a walk in the wild

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author notice

hi giys sorry i havent updated much in the last few days i have a chest infection and havent been feeling great. i will try to update when i can.

as rachel sat on sebastian's knee the only sound they could hear was the spund of the trickling of a near by stream.

" alone at last" sebastian said before kissing her neck

" its so magical with the lanterns" rachel said

" it is its like only we exist " sebastian said before nibbing her ear lobe

" seb" rachel said

" what come on its natural and we are in the middle of nature" sebastian said

" but your parents " rachel started to say

" my parents will he fast asleep already" sebastian said

" what about skylar" rachel asked

" rachel its almost completely pitch black he wont see anything" sebastian said they started to kiss and became lost in it. when suddenly an owl tweeted in the distance and sebastian freaked out.

" what the hell" he exclaimed

" its ok it was just an owl" rachel said giggling

" maybe your right we should go inside" sebastian said standing up lifting her up in the process and he carried into the cabin only setting her down to lock the door.

" right then babe lets go to bed" sebastian said with a devilish smile

" honestly " rachel said

" what" sebastian asked trying to look innocent.

" come on" rachel said

once they reached the room they silently entered it not wanting to wake skylar up as they slowly made their way to their chosen bed.

rachel grabbed her nighty and headed to the bathroom to get changed once she was back in the room sebastian was already in bed.

" hop in babes" sebastian said throwing the covers off himself for her to get in which she did and they made out for  awhile before they fell asleep.

the next morning

rachel woke up still snuggled up to sebastian who was already awake and was looking at her with such love in his eyes that she felt herself melting.

" morning" he said

" morning" rachel said

" looks like its a lovely day " sebastian said as the sunlight was creeping in through the shutters.

" morning you two" skylar said as he got out of his bed

" morning little bro" sebastian said

" guys breakfast is ready" charles said through the door

" guess we best get up then" sebastian said

an hour and half later

after breakfast and after getting ready they all left the cabin they planned to walk to the lake and take out their boat and go fishing.

so as they set off sebastian was holding rachel's hand as they walked skylar was up infront of them all as they made their way through the tree to the lake.

" according to this map the lake is straight ahead and the guy i hired the boat from said the boat would be in sight when we reach the bank of the lake" charles said.

" im so glad you got the cabin we are going to have many happy times here and in years to come our grandchildren will love it" maggie said

" careful seb will get ideas"  skylar said

" no he wont and i meant in like ten years " maggie said

" how much further is the lake rachel is petit any longer and i shall have to carry her" sebastian said

" five minutes seb we have been walking for five minites" charles said

" come on" sebastian said a he stopped walking he bent down and motioned rachel to climb on his back which she did and he gave her piggyback all the way to the lake.

" here we are" charles said as they reached the lakethe all climbed on board the boat which charles was going to drive.

" sky come here." charles said skylar walked over to his fatehr who started showing him how to drive the boat.

" he really is hung up on marley isnt he" maggie said to rachel and sebastian

" he really likes her" rachel said

" does she like him" maggie asked

" yeah she just has a lot going on" rachel said

" i hope she gives him a chance because i think he would do her the world of good" maggie sighed as she watched him.

" my dear isnt the scenery just stunning" charles said walking over to her.

" it is" maggie said as she and charles kissed

" ew" sebastian said

" what oh stop that" skylar said having turned around and then crash.........

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