one month later

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its tuesday evening and rachel is sat on sebastian's knee in the living room at his parents house marley is meeting maggie and charles for the first time and she has asked rachel if she will be there as she is  nervous. though rachel has told her there is no need to be as both maggie and charles are lovely.

" their here" maggie said excitedly having heard skylar's car pull up.

" i remember how nervous you were meeting them" sebastian said smiling at her

" i was terrified" rachel admitted

" i told you they wluld love you" sebastian said before kissing her they only stopped as skylar led marley into the room. rachel gave her an encouraging smile.

" mom dad this is marley" skylar said looking like the cat that got the cream

" its wonderful to finally meet you" charles said

" it is we have heard alot about you" maggie said

" its great to see both our boys have found themselves lovely girls" charles said

" you raised us to appreciate the finer things in life and we have with these two" sebastian said before kissing rachel.

" shall we go through to the dining room "maggie said

once seated at the dining table marley was sat opposite to rachel they had maggie at the end of the table with sebastian next to rachel skylar next to marley and charles at the other end.

" sky tells us your a very good singer" charles said to marley

" i love to sing im not as good as rach though" marley said

" you have a fantastic voice" skylar said to her

" do you dream of broadway to" maggie asked

" no i would love to have a record deal i write my own songs so a singer songwriter is my dream career" marley said

" i love that you and rachel both have dreams of making yourself successful" maggie said

" i love rachel's determination i think its sexy" sebastian said

" so marley i hear from sky your fond of animals horses especially " charles said

" i adore animals " marley said

" we should go horse riding " skylar said

" i have never done that before but i have always wanted to" marley said

" seb and rach should come with us seb is a very good rider isnt he rachel" skylar said it ws clear he hadnt meant it to sound lie it did but that didnt stop the blush on rachel's face or the smirk on sebastian's.

" i didnt mean..." skylar started to say

" we know that so marley your an only child i here" charles said

" yes though rach is like a sister." marley said

" you know charles and i have been talking and while the last time didnt go to plan we have hougt of going away for the weekend in a couple of weeks and we hoped you would join us. naturally you and rachel will be sharing a room" maggie said

" thats so unfair just because he has a girlfriend i have to go wihout..." sebastian started to say.

" two nights sebastian" charles said

" anywaywe were thinking of going to a lodge spa have a relaxing time they do horse riding there and they is no lake so there is no chance of a repeat of what happened" maggie said

" spa does that include mud wraps you know i love a good mud wrap" sebastian said

" yes sebastian "  maggie said

" i will have to ask my mom but i think if rach is going and she and i will be sharing a room she should be ok with it" marley said

" i could call and see your mom if you want then she know me" maggie said

after dinner

rachel sebastian skylar and marley all headed to the game room a d started playing doubles pool which ended up being a battle between the two brothers while rachel and marley giggled at how competitive they were.

" oh give it up sky you knowmthat i know that you know your not going to beat me" sebastian said

" yeah yeah" skylar said before potting a ball

" i let you pot that" sebastian said

" keep talking because while your yapping im winning" skylar said as he potted another ball

" do you speak to rach  like this when she plays against to" marley asked him

" well actully when rach and i play she being of a short stature  she ends up bending right over the table and i get distracted so it usually ends up wih the game forgotton and rach and i...." sebastian started to say

" seb" rachel exclaimed blushing.

" your the one that teases me with your boobs" sebastian said

" shut up" rachel giggled

" see marls i may be the younger one but im the more mature one i would never embarrass you like he does rachel" skylar said

" rachel loves it when i say things like that it might cause her to blush but she loves knowing how much i appreciate her womanly figure" sebastian said as skylar potted the black ball

" and the best brother wins" skylar said ,arlsy hugged him and they kissed sebastian however pouted at rachel who cuddled him.

" i think i must be distracted for him to have won" sebastian said

" maybe we should go somewhere and deal with whatever is distracting you" rachel said

" i love you" sebastian said

" i love you" rachel said before they kissed

" so we are going to get off" sebastian said taking rachel's hand and leaving the room.


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