big brother steps up

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sebastian was now back at the pool house the tears and the painkillers had made skylar drift off shortly after their talk. sebastian felt a mix of emotions he felt bad and sad for skylar it clearly had meant so much to him to do this for him and it had being ruined for both of them.

he felt angry with thad not just for ruining skylar's plans but for making skykar feel like he had to prove himself. which he didnt the reaon sebastian had picked skylar as best man wasnt just because he was his brother but sebastian was proud of him. the way skylar was with marley after everything she has being though most fifteen year old to sixteen yesrs old boys wouldnt want the drama of a girl with an eating disorder skylar had being incredibly supportive.

the first time after her treatment the four of them had gone out for a meal skylar made a point of asking if she wanted to share a platter because he saw she was stressed looking at the menu. he wasnt pushing her to take their relationship to the next level because he wanted her to be comfortable with herself first. sebastian had to admit he had a lot of respect for his little brother.  when marley was being bullued by kitty skylar tuck it on himself to stop her he was a good guy. he had more than earnt the best man positon not to mention the times he had covered for sebastian when he snuck out on a night to see rachel.

sebastian sat on the couch in the pool house thoughts racing throuh his mind he wanted to do something special for skylar as sebastian realised it was just him that felt robbed about the party.

" morning" rachel said walking into the living room

" morning babe" sebastian said rachel walked over and sebastian pulled her onto his lap

" you ok" rachel asked stroking some hair off his face.

" yeah kinda" sebastian said

" i wondered where you were" rachel said

" i have being to see skylar " sebastian said he told rachel what skylar had told him.

" awe poor sky i cant believe thad would do that marley had told me skylar never shut up about the party. he never actually told her any of the plans but he was so proud to be able to do it for you" rachel said

" and its not like a birthday its not like im gonna have another one is it" sebastian said

" your not mad at him are you" rachel asked

" no i feel bad for him im hurt for him thad is gonna get a piece of my mind" sebastian said

" well you know i know you cant have another party because for one thing there isnt time before our wedding next weekend. why don't you and skylar have an evening just the two of you no interuptions i think part of skylar wanting to do this is because soon your graduating and leaving. he is going to kiss you so you two should spend sometime together." rachel said

" i was about to say we could play golf  but i guess thsts out with his arm" sebastian said

" it doesnt matter what you do" rachel said

" you are so smart" sebastian said before kissing her

" and sexy" sebastian breathed between kisses

" and naked under this robe" rachel said

(knocking on the door )

" and to top it all off im being cockblocked" sebastian said as rachel got off his knee before heading to get dressed sebastian went to answer the door.

" hey seb" charles said

" hey" sebastian said not looking at him

" im sorry i lost it last night sky was hurt i didnt know how badly your mom was beside herself" charles said

" i wasnt exactly happy either" sebastian said

" i know and im sorry ladt big was a big night for you " charles said

" it wasnt his fault" sebastian said

" what " charles asked

" it wasnt skylar's fault you cant punish him" sebastian said

" i think his arm is probably punishment enough" charles said

" what time is he at the fracture clinic " sebastian asked

" in an hour" charles said

" im taking him" sebastian said

" you dont have to i will" charles said

" i want to" sebastian said

later that day

after getting home from the clinic sebastian was in the kitchen of the main house making smoothies rachel was helping him. skylar who now had a proper cast on his arm was in living room with marley cuddled up to him on the couch charles had taken maggie out for lunch.

" okay this is by fr the  est strawberry smoothie ever made " sebastian declared

" it looks good" rachel said

" i shall call it smytheberry smoothie" sebastian said

" awe" rachel said

" i know im adorable " sebastian said as he poured four glasses.

the two of them carried the drinks through and marley sat up to take hers.

" tell me this is the most delicious thing ever" sebastian said before whispering " except for you babe" so only rachel could here.

" im are better" skylar said

" oh really" sebastian chuckled

" yep" skylar said smiling sebastian was pleased he seemed happier.

" you guys doing anything special later"marley asked

" i thought i would annoy sky for the rest of the day though i do need to go somewhere later" sebastian said

" you mean your actually going to put effort into annoying me" skylar laughed

" yep" sebastian said

" this really is yummy" skylar said having taken a sip

" well as i have often told you sky flattery will get you everywhere" sebastian said

" i just try to compliment you more than you do yourself" skylar said

" are you saying that i sebastian smythe am vain" sebastian said trying to look shocked

" yep" skylar said but he hid behind marley

" oh thats brave" sebastian said

" i am injured you know" skylar said

" yeah yeah" sebastian said

" what time you going out" rachel asked

" i might not bother might do it tomorrow " sebastian said rachel was confused sebastian mouthed thad rachel nodded.

" ok who wants a sandwich " sebastian said getting up

" i do the doctor said i need to keep my strength up" skylar said

" ok two things firstly i was there he said no such hing secondly do you want me to make it or shall i go to subway" sebastian asked

" subway" all three of them said

" babe are you telling me you dont want a sebby sub" sebastian said

" im saying are wedding is in six days and i dont want to get sick" rachel giggled

" ooh im hurt you will so have to make tbst up to me" sebastian said

" seb" skylar said

" yes little bro" sebastian said

" less talking more going for lunch" skylar said

" your lucky your injured" sebastian said kissing rachel goodbye before heading to the door.

author notice

hi guys hoping to get a few chapters published today

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