there is still time

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after school rachel is at sebastian's parents house hanging out with sebastian they are in what was his and skylar's playroom and is now their entertainment room. they are watching tv but are more interested in each others tonsils.

" how do you not get jaw ache" skylar asked walking into the room

" is it too much to ask for some privacy " sebastian asked

" thats what your bedroom is for" skylar said

" mom is home" sebastian said

" then rent a hotel room" skylar said

" dad freaked out when he saw the hotel on my card statement last month though thankfully he didnt tell mom" sebastian said

" then pay cash" skylar said

" its hard to tell which of you is the most devious" rachel said

" oh it me and i would prove it if someone would get lost" sebastian said before kissing her again

" honestly i dont know why mom and dad are so against rachel staying over how they can possibly think your a virgin seb is beyond me" skylar said

" you know if you didnt worry so much about my sex life and focused on your own you might mot be a virgin too" sebastian said as skylar rummaged through a drawer.

" what are you doing" rachel asked

" im looking for the number of the florist we used for mothers day" skylar said

" why" sebastian asked

" im going to have some flowers delived to marley at school" skylar said rachel and sebastian looked at each other.

" but she has plans with another guy on friday" sebastian said

" yes but i was thinking back to lunchtime when i aid what has he got that i havent and i should have thought what do i have that he hadnt the answer is a killer allowance so im going to bombard her with gifts absolutely shower her with them anyway their date is friday its monday i have time" skylar said

" your who knew you were such a romantic" sebastian asked

" he probably learn from you. " rachel said

" tht is possible i do spoil you" sebastian said

" so rachel can i ask girly advice" skylar asked

" sure okay" rachel said

" chocolates  flowers and a teddy do they sound okay" skylar asked

" yes they sound great" rachel said

" what about jewellery " skylar asked

" well you have known her for what eight hours maybe a little soon" sebastian said

" you bought rachel earrings for your second date" skylar said

" yes but rach and i had known each other for a few months before we started dating" sebastian said

" i love those earrings" rachel said

" i love you wearimg them" sebastian said  then whispered " and only them" rachel slapped his arm as she sat giggling

" dinner is ready" their mom called so they headed down stairs and sat round the dining table.

" so how was your first day" maggie their mom askec

" great" sebastian said

" skylar" maghie asked

" amazing" he said

" skylar is in love" sebastian said and skylar blyshedvthe colour of beetroot rachel slapped sebastian on his arm.

" really and may i ask is the lucky girl" maggie asked skylarwas glaring at sebastian who was smirking at him.

" rachel's cousin" sebastian said

"i see ans how long have you known her" maggie asked

" a day" skylar said

" i see well treat her right" maggie said

" i will" skylar said


as rachel was making her way to sebastian's locker she saw a guy carrying flowers beautiful multi coloured roses

" he was serious it seems" sebastian said  before kissing her forehead as marley came out of a classroom and was handed the flowers she was alittle embarrassed but she was smiling then she read the card and looked confused.

then jake walked over to her looking angry

" what the hell" jake yelled then pushed ryder up against the locker

" jake what are you doing" ryder yelled

" you sent my girlfriend flowers" jake yelled

" no i didnt" ryder said

" their not from him" marley said

" sorry man" jake siad letting go of ryder

" see she deswerves better than him" skylar said arriving next to sebastian

"who are they from" jake asked she did t say but looked over at skylar who was looking very smug

" you sent here flowers" jake saod walking over to him

" easy" sebastian said  to him standing to the side of skylar

" why" jake asked loudly

" because she is beautiful " skylar said

" you dont want to piss me off new kid" jake said

" oh i know your a bad ass you know why i know that because you ride a scooter in school nothing says bad boy like a scooter" skylar said

" dont test me" jake said getting in skylars face

" look its just some flowers okay its not like he has tried to kiss her or anything so cool off" sebastian said

" he is your brother isnt he" jake said to sebastian

" yes" sebastian said

" yeah well he aint thw only one with a big brother" jake said

" are you threatening me" sebastian said

" no but i am him" jake said

" jake leave it leave him" marley said

" fine but save the roses for your mother next time" jake said before walking off

" sorry that didnt go as you planned " rachel said to skylar

" are you kidding that was amazing did you see his attitude all i have to do is keep pissing him off and he will blow his chance with her himself" skylar sais with a smile on his face before walking off with a sping in his step

"so did you like how i stepped in" sebastian said to rachel

" i did" rachel said

" you like it when im forceful dont you" sebastian asked

" i do" rachel said

" good now lets go to yours i know your dads are working late " sebastian said

" how do you know that. " rachel asked

" i memorized your dads calender for the next week" sebastian said

" ooh sneaky" rachel said

" like you wouldnt believe babe" sebastian said.

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