one night to very different parties

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its saturday evening rachel is just finishing packing her over night bag for staying at kurts for her hen party sebastian is just getting ready to head to thads for his bachelor party.

" so babe do you think you can cope without me for the night " sebastian asked wrapping his arms around her

" it will be tough thruth is i sleep better with you next to me" rachel said turnind around and wrapping her arms around his neck.

" it will be tough for me too and im gonna miss you but we have tomorrow just the two of us here in our pool house our  own little world" sebastian said before they kissed.

" promise me you will have both eye brows tomorrow " rachel said

" babe the guys know not to mess with the masterpiece that is my face and i hope kurt doesnt irritate you too much" sebastian said

" well then i guess i will see you tomorrow " rachel said

" yep " sebastian said before kissing her once more.

they walked hand in hand to their cars sebastian carrying her over night bag for her he wasnt taking one he planned to come home.


as rachel drove to kurts she was excited for her night last night being sebastian's birthday parry had being a relaxed affair a bbq for his friends at home and somewhat of a pool party.

rachel pulled up to see marley waiting outside for her she was smiling as she saw her.

" hey" rachel said grabbing her bag

" so are you ready for this" marley asked

" yep" rachel said as the two girls walked into the house to be greet with cheer from kurt blaine mercedes tina and trent.

trent ran over to her and placed a sash around her which read the future mrs smythe.

" awe " rachel said as trent hugged her

" dont worry marley we will save it for you " kurt said

" kurt she is sixteen leave her alone" mercedes said

" i cant believe your getting married " tina said hugging her

" he is a very lucky guy" trent said

" he is" blaine said

" and he is hot" trent said

" he is isnt he" rachel giggled

" not that i look or  anything but he is quite dreamy" trent said

" right then the party starts now lets go on up to my room" kurt said

as rachel followed kurt and the others upstairs she saw finn her ex boyfriend his mom was dating kurts dad burt.

"oh hey rach" fin said

" hey" rachel said thruth was they only dated for three weeks before he had gone off with quinn while hey were both in glee club they rarely spoke unless it wad to do with glee.

" right then rachel barbra berry welcome to your bachelorette party" kurt said dramatically opening his door rachel was almost blinded by the shocking pink glow coming from the room. as kurt took her hand and lead her inside rachel saw the beds and the couch had being covered in neon pink throws. there were random hot pink fewthers dotted about the room dozens of balloons of various pink shades. several banners all saying different things. the first saying future mrs smythe like her sash. the second said mrs smytheberry. the third said last chance which rachel figured was kurts idea.

" here you go princess" blaine said placing a tiara on her head as mercedes handed her a neon pink cocktail.

" dont worry its virgin" kurt said

" thank you" rachel said taking a sip the drink was actually deliciously fruity.


as sebastian arrived at thads house he was surprised to see a motorbike outside as he got out of his car he heard a vehicle behind him turned and was surprised to see a limousine pulling up.

" hey there" thad said having walked outside

" im confused i thought the party was here" sebastian said as skylar got out of the limo

" we lied" skylar said

" come on" thad said nudging sebastian towards the limo.

as sebastian climbed in he saw nick and jeff and hunter and puck who he wasnt really expecting and sam who he had expected as he knew mercedes would be with rachel.

" hey guys" sebastian said

" hey bachelor " puck said

" hey" sebastian said

" i thought when you said we would get a vehicle to take us all you meant a mini bus" sam said

" we arent the mini bus types" skylar said sebastian nudged him

" where are we going" sebastian asked

" never you mind" thad said

they drove for fifteen mi utes before pulling up to a house in an area sebastian had never being before.

" why have we stopped here" sebastian asked

" welcome to puckerville" puck said

" is that area" skylar asked

"oh you rich boys are dense" puck said

" come on" hunter said as they all piled out of the limo.

they walked upto the house and puck let them inside the house was small but there was a large table with a buffet on it and a large stack of booze.

" now do you see why we are here" skylar said

" yeah " sebastian said as puck handed him a beer.

" no dude should marry without getting absolutely wasted atleast once" puck said as thad switched on the music.

" cheers" skylar said clinking his beer with his

" if you get drunk mom will freak out" sebastian said

" its a bachelor party what bachelor party doesnt have booze" skylar said


as rachel sat on the floor they were all sat round in a circle with face masks on marley was helping trent with his.

" what does it do" trent asked

" it was anti ageing properties " kurt said

" im sixteen" trent said

" yes and thanks to this you will look it when your seventeen" kurt said

" so rachel how are you feeling about the wedding" blaine asked

" alittle stressed with the preparation but im happy so happy" rachel said

" awe" both marley and mercedes said together.

" your going to look like a princess" trent said excitedly

" she does her dress is beautiful " marley said

" you look beautiful in yours you both do" rachel said

" yeah im all kinds of sexy in mine" mercedes said

" sam wont be able to keep his eyes off you " rachel said

" or his hand" kurt sand with a wink.

" ok lets get the pizza ordered" blaine said.

" so marley do you know what skylar has planned for meerkat " kurt asked

" dont call him that and no skylar hasnt mentioned it and i havent asked" marley said before smiling at rachel.

author notice

next chapter tonight.

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