its time to go home

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as rachel tuck the vapour rub out of the bag sebastian laid thwre watching her the whole time.

" are you gonna open your shirt" rachel asked

" what and deny you the pleasure" sebastian said rachrl smiled and begun unbuttoning his shirt while he smugly laid there thrilled with having her full atention.

rachel opened the rub and began massaging some on his chest while he laid staying at her.

" you need to sit astride me to do it the way i like" sebastian said

"ssh your mom might here" rachel said

" im wearing jeans and your fully clothed " sebastian said giving her his p,eading look which he knew shs could say no to. so rachel climbed over him and sat with her knees either side of his hips and carried on massaging him.

" oh thats nice" sebastian said

" is it helping" rachel asked

"oh yeah" sebastian said

"a hem" a cough sound came from the doorway rachel and sebastian turned to see his father stood there.

" hey dad" sebastian said

" hello both of  you" charles said

" hi" rachel said climbing off of sebastian as his dad walked into his room

" so i hear your not well" charles said

" im sick" sebastian said

" i hope i wasnt interupting antything" charles said

" she was putting some vapour rub on my chest" sebastian said

" i see well good because you remember our talk dont you sebastian about the hotel bill appearing on your card statement"  his dad said rachel was blushing deeply.

" yes i remember " sebastian said

" good well i leave you but i will be by to check on you" charles said

" fine" sebastian said

" lovely to see you again rachel" charles said before leaving.

"  i dont understand my parents at all" sebastian said

" its their house" rachel said

" yes but my dad knows we went to a hotel he knows we have had sex so why make all this fuss" sebastian said

" your mom doesnt know and niether do my dads" rachel said

" i cant wait to graduate" sebastian said

" me niether" rachel said as sebastian pulled down so she was laid next to him cuddled up to him it wasnt long before sebastian fell asleep and rachel found herself drifting off not long after him.

" rachel" a gently voice said rachel opened her eyes it was dark now and his mom was stood by the bed

" sorry i fell asleep" rachel said

" dont worry about it but  its time to go home" maggie said

" ok" rachel said she kissed sebastian cheek not waking him up and grabbed her purse and left his room she followed his mom downstairs.

" how is the patient " skylar asked coming out of the living room

" he is asleep" rachel said

" as he moaned your head off" skylar asked

" no" rachel said

" there's a first  anyway i will drive you home" skylar said

" you dont have to" rachel said

" yes i do firstly because of you marley is giving me the chance to take her out and secondly if seb found out i didnt he would kill me" skylar said

so after saying good bye to his parents rachel and skylar headed to his car and he drove her home

" what is marley's fravorite colour" skylar asked

" rose pink" rachel said

" animal" skylar asked

" she has several fravorites rabbits dolphins koalas horses she loves horses" rachel said

" we should go horse riding" skylar ssid as they pulled up outside her home.

" yeah its a while since i have been" rachel said

" she is more relaxed having you there" skylar said

" she is shy but she likes you" rachel said

" has she told you that" skylar asked with a huge grin on his face.

" she hasnt needed to " rachel said

" yes" skylar said fist pumping the air

" thank you for the lift" rachel said getting out of the car.

" your welcome" skylar said.

the next morning

rachel was getting ready for school when her phone rang

rach : hey

seb: hey

rach: you sound terrible

seb: im a very poorly boy

rach: your not going to school are you

seb: im waiting for the doctor mom thinks i have a chest infection

rach: it sounds like you do im going to miss you at school

seb: im gping to miss you to babe

rach: i will come see you after school

seb: yeah i would like that

rach: i am gonba have to go i have to get going

seb: ok bsbe se you later think of me laying here all poorly

rach: i will

the call ended and rachel set off for school once there she saw marley outside the the main doors waiting for someone.

" hey" rachel said walking over to her

" oh hey rach" marley said she was distracted and didnt look to pleased to see rachel

" whats wrong" rachel asked

" nothing" marley said to quickly for rachels likeing

" marley" rachel said

" oh will you just stop your not my mom" marley said walking off rachel was stunned they jad been getting on great the last few days.


as rachel sat at the gled table in the lunch hall she was looking round for marley but couldnt see her then rachel saw skylar running over to her and he had a strange look on his face.

" skylar what is it" rachel asked

" its marley she is unconscious in the girls toilets" skylar said rachel jumped up and follwed after him running after him.

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next chapter tonight

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