what are you doing?

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rachel had gone to get her purse from the pool house sebastian had gone to the garage to marvel at his new car which he had decided to nickname the beast.

skylar had followed him hopeing he would see his new car and give up his old one.

once rachel had gotton her purse she set off for the garage to find skylar stood looking mortified then she saw sebastian was in the back of his new car.

" seb what are you doing" rachel asked sebastian slowly got out of the car.

" just checking how much room there was" sebastian said smirking at her

" are you ok" rachel asked skylar

" he mimicked actions" skylar said

" if your hopeing by giving me that face i will give you my car your mistaken" sebastian said

" your such an arse you dont need two cars " skylar said

" your not still going on about the damn car are you" maggie said walking over with some sandwiches.

" he is being unreasonable " skylar said

" sky leave it" maggie said

" anyway your forgetting im almost a married man the car is almost joint property " sebastian said as rach tuck the sandwiches from maggie.

" good look rachel your gonna need it" skylar said

" seb why cant he have your old car" rachel asked sebastian looked at her like she had just slapped him across his face.

" what was that babe" sebastian asked

" well you have the new car and he is right your not going to drive the old one when you have that. plus if it isnt driven it will just rust in the garage " rachel said

" but" sebastian pouted

" listen to your woman seb" skylar said

" you do realise your dad and i would sell it anyway so it didnt take up room if it wasnt being used." maggie said

" fine seeing as your all on his side" sebastian said getting the key out of his pocket and handing it to skylar.

" thanks bro" skylar said sebastian didnt look happy rachel knew he was going to moan.

" marley marley " skylar yelled happily running back into the house.

" enjoy your day" maggie said

" you too"  rachel said before maggie left the garage.

rachel walked over to sebastian who was stood by his new car pouting at her.

" seb im sorry but you dont need two cars" rachel said cuddling him

" i know but" sebastian said

" but what" rachel asked

" i was going to give it on our wedding day as a thank you for being my best man" sebastian said

" awe you adorable moaner" rachel said cupping his face.

" now i got to buy him a present " sebastian said

" i can help" rachel said

" right then lets go" sebastian said opening the car door for her.

rachel had to admit his new car was amazing the cream leather sest were so comfortable.

once sebastian was in the car the grin on his face looked like it might be painful as it was so wide as he drove out of the garage.

" damn we look good in this" sebastian said rachel saw skylar and marley behind them in sebastian's old car skylar had an almost identical grin to sebastian's.

" so have you thought about where we are going i assume a gravel lane will be the final destination " rachel giggled

" oh no the gravel could damage the car" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said she remembered when he got the old car which was about two weeks into their relationship she remembered how protective of it he was.


several hours later sebastian pulled back into the driveway they had being on a long drive around ohio it had being fun but the late night was affecting them again so they had picked up some Chinese and were having a nearly night.


rachel woke early having had an early night sebastian was still sound asleep she got up grabbed her thin silk dressing gown and headed to the kitchen to make a coffee.

once made she left the pool house and sat on the port of it sipping her much needed coffee thinking things over. she worried about marley about how she would be when she and sebastian left for new york. rachel knew skylar would look out for herbut rachel had being so worried the pressure of the wedding and being a bridesmaid might affect marley with her eating disorder.

she thought of maggie and the baby maggie had being the most motherly figure in rachel's life and she was worried about the pregnancy as maggie was suffering from morning sickness.

she thought of her wedding day she imagined weari g her dress and walking down the aisle the thought putting a smile on her face.

" what you doing" sebastian asked she hadnt heard him walk outside he wrapped his arms around her.

" just thinking" rachel said

" about me" sebastian asked hissing the top of her head

" about everything the wedding your  about mom about marley about new york" rachel said

" yeah its a milestine year for us" sebastian said

" yeah it is" rachel said resting against him

" i cant wait for you to be my wife" sebastian said

" i cant wait for you to be my husband " rachel said

" we are so lucky not only do we have the chance to live our dreams but we are going to do it together " sebastian said

" yeah we are" rachel said

" you know im proud of you dont you" sebastian asked

" proud of me" rachel said

" yeah lets face it being broadway bound isnt the most normal thing is it yet not. atter what people have said or done you never changed you never buckled to conform. that shows how strong you are and i am proud of that your gonna be a good role model for alot of young girls " sebastian said

" awe seb" rachel said getting emotional

" your already one to marley" sebastian said

" im gonna miss her" rachel said

" im gonna miss skylar but dont tell him that " sebastian said

" he is going to miss you" rachel said

"and marley you we have to make an effort to come back to see them regularly and have them come out to us" sebastian said

" yeah " rachel said

" so are you gonna miss me tomorrow night" sebastian said referring to his bachelor party

" yes are you going to miss me" rachel said

" ofcourse i will" sebastian said turning her round to hug her.

author notice

hi guys next chapter later today its unlikey that i will be updating tomorrow as its my birthday

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