it's time

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sebastian made his way inside skylar at his side thad just behind him things had being ok betwen seb and thad as thad had apologised to skylar and to rachel. if anything the whole incident lf the bachelor party had brought sebastian and skylar closer.

as they walked in uncle martin and aunt anita rushed over to them anit hugging maggie uncle martin hugging charles.

" congratulations seb your a lucky guy she is a very special girl" anita said

" she is" sebastian said

" shall we" charles said sebastian noddee there was another wedding before theirs and they found most of their invited guests stood outside the room waiting.

" smythe" hunter said walking over to him shaking his hand most of the warblers were invited

" thank you for coming" sebastian said

" wouldnt miss you marrying streisand for nothing" hunter said

" im so excited" trent said rushing over

" me too " sebastian said

"  i wonder how rachel feels right now" kurt said as he and blaine walked over

" probably good lord my husband is attractive " sebastian said

" still as smug as ever i see" hunter said smiling

" ofcourse i wouldnt be me without it" sebastian said

" sebby" a chorus of women said together it was his moms sister aunt nora andrea lynne catherine fiona and wendy.

" hey" sebastian said and he and skylar were both hugged by ever single aunt in quite quick consession.

" so the big day is finally here" sam said walking over


rachel was in the car with her dads sat opposite it her and marley and mercedes on either side of her in the unstretched limo.

" nearly there sweetie" leroy said beaming at her

" im nervous what about you" mercedes asked

" no i thought i would be but im not" rachel said smiling

" here we are you stay her my darling i will go tell them the bro0ide has arrived" hiram said as the car pulled up.


sebastian was talking to many of the guests the previous wedding was over and they were inside the room guests taking their seats skylar was already in place at the front.

" seb" charles said walking over to him

" dad " sebastian said turning round to look at him and spotting hiram hugging maggie.

" she's here" sebastian said

" she is" charles said patting him on his back as the two of them walked to the front sebastian stood next to skylar who looked as excited as he felt.

" good luck son" charles said

" thank you" sebastian said

" your mom and i are proud of both of you " charles said he hugged sebastian and the skylar before walking to get maggie.

sebastian while not nervous did have butterflies in his tummy now with the excitement of it all.


as she saw her hiram walking out of the building she new it was time so with the help of both her bridesmaids she got out of the car with her dress and hair still perfectly in place.

" come on then princess" leroy said offeringnher is arm which she tuck hiram did the same and her other side so rachel walked into city hall with a dad either side and her bridesmaids behind her.

as the reached the corridor which the room was off of they stopped and mercedes and marley moved infront of her and walked to the open door rachel heard the minister ask their guests to stand. rachel felt nervous now but it was out of excitement as marley turned and smiled at her rachel nodded as the music started. first marley and mercedes set off down the short aisle before rachel and her dads she saw her loved ones beaming at her. s both marley and mercedes were both taller than her it was hard to see infront of them but then she saw him their eyes locking her tummy doing flips as he held her gaze. it was like nobody else was there as they held each others gaze until she reached the front and stoid beside him.

" please take a seat  today we have gathered to witness the vows of this couple stood before you now i ask who gives this woman to be married" the minister asked

" we do" he dad said

" thank you" the minister replied her dads kissed her cheek and went and sat down.

" the union of holy matrimony is not something to be entered into lightly does anyone here present know of any reason why this union should not take place" the minister asked answered by silence.

the minster then requested sebastian to repeat after him

" i sebastian charles smythe do take the rachel barbra berry to be my lawful wedded wife. to have and to hold in sickness and in heslth until death parts us" sebastian said

the minister the requested rachel to repeat after him.

" i rachel barbra berry do take the sebastian charles smythe to be my lawful wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health until death parts us" rachel said he was staring into her eyes she had all on to focus.

" you have now made your vows you shall both give and receive a ring" the minister sais skylar quickly got them out of his pocket and handed them to the minister.

the minster blessed the rings before they each took a ring and slipped it onto each others finger.

" by the power vested in me i now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the minister said

sebastian didnt need telling twice before the minister had finished his sentence sebastian had wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. in true sebastian style he got quite carried away causing several gasps from the guests.

" congratulations " the minister said

" we did it" rachel said

" we did " sebastian said  as she cuddled him

" congrats guys " skylar said

" thanks little bro" sebastian said

" thank you" rachel said to skylar

" before we greet the guests i have to tell you rach ypu are always beautiful but today in that dress i am actually speechless your breathtaking " sebastian said

" you dont look bad yourself" rachel said

" thank babe shall we start celebrating" sebastian asked offering her is hand as they both turned their parents rushing over to them...

author notice next chapter later today

good things come to those who waitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora