family talk

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as sebastian sat there having said it out loud his parents were looking at each other then back at him he knew as soon as he had said the words it was what he really wanted.

" seb when martin and i spoke to you we meant getting engaged not getting married straight away" charles said

" i know that but its what i want penny caused trouble for you guys after you got engaged and even after you were married. i dont want her hurting rachel and anyway penny aside i love rachel even withoutball this i would want to" sebastian said

" you need to be certain" his mom said

" i am mom i have dated girls before none of them even compare to rach i cant see myself loving anyone more than i love her. i know we could get engaged and be so for a few years but whats the point if i know she is the one" sebastian said

" you do realise her dads might not agree"  charles said

" im going to ask their permission " sebastian said

" what if they say no" his mom said

"rachel is eighteen in a few weeks" sebastian said

" and you have really thought about this" charles asked

" yes" sebastian said his parents looked at each other

" then you have our blessing" charles said

" i do" sebastian said as his eyes filled with tears

" seb people thought we were crazy getting engaged in high school but we re still in love still happy you and rach have always seemed to take after us. she is a lovely girl and we are so proud of the man you have become if this is what you truly want then we respect that" maggie said hugging him

" thank you" sebastian said

" have you thought how your going to ask her" charles asked

" well i need to talk to her dads first then i need to get the ring but i thought her birthday " sebastian said

" i might be able to help you with the ring" his mom said she got up and went to her jewellery cabinet and pulled out a box.

" now i understand you might want to get her a brand new one so there is no pressure to accept this but this was your great grandmother's engagement ring it is from tiffany's" maggie said before opening the box to reveal a stunning platinum ring with a stunning large round cut diamond with several diamonds at either side on the band.

" its beautiful its classic like rach" sebastian said

" you dad gave it to me in the hospital after i had you it seems only fair if i got it for having you that the girl you love gets it" his mom said

" are you show your ok with her having it " sebastian asked

" yes" maggie said

" now you just need to figure out her ring size" charles said

" i know that " sebastian said

" you do yeah she is the same as mom" sebastian said

" then its perfect already i will drop it into the jewellers tomorrow so they cannpolish it up" his dad said

" whats going on " skylar asked walking into the room.

" sebastian is going to ask rachel to marry him" maggie said

" seriously thats great" skylar said running over and hugging sebastian

" thanks little bro" sebastian said

" im so happy for you she is perfect for you what other girl would put up with you" skylar said making sebastian laugh.

" hey big words from someone who might be best man" sebastian said

" wait she isnt knocked up is she" skylar asked

" no" sebastian said offended by the question

" now while your mom and i support your decision we are far to young to be grandparents " charles said

" rach and i have plans for our future which come before having kids though we do want them" sebastian said

" everything alright" anita asked as she and martin arrived in the doorway.

" yes sebastian is going to propose " charles said

" good for you" martin said

" he has decided on great grandmother's engagement ring that i gave to maggie when she had him" charles said

" good our mother would be happy and she would approve of rachel now question " martin said

" so when are you going to ask her" anit asked hugging sebastian

" her birthday is in two weeks" sebastian said


rachel was fast asleep in her bed completely unaware of what was being discussed at the smythe house.

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