happy ever after

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the final chapter

two years and two months later

today marley and skylar got married they have just graduated from high school and are both planning on going to new york.

rachel is at nyada and has just won the role of fanny brice her dream broadway role she is living her dream.

sebastian has had the biggest change career wise he had gone to new york to study law like his father but had been very interested in nyada. half way through his first year he quit his pre law degree and joined rachel at nyada while his dada was alittle upset at him not going to tke over the family business he was supportive of his decision.

just after rachel got her role as fanny brice sebastian got acceoted into a dance group production of west side story rachel couldnt be prouder of him.

maggie had given birth to a baby girl who they named sophia Charlotte smythe who was now fifteen months old and a little treasure. she looked like both her big brothers who both doted on her. she had dark hair like skylar but had he same green eyes as sebastian.

sophie is a daddys girl and has charles already wrapped around her little finger maggie is loving beenna mom even if it more tiring now she is older.

marley is to study music at nyada in hope of becoming a song writer she has written a song which has just been picked up as a theme tume for a new sitcom.

skylar wants to be a surgeon and is to attend medical school in new york charles and maggie have bought him and marley an apartment in new york in the same building as rachel and sebastian.

another year later

rachel and sebastian have both quit nyada as their careers are going from strength to strength rachel is currently starring as maria in. broadway production of west side story and sebastian has been choson to play barry allen in an off broadway production of a flash musical which givennhe looks like the actor who plays barry in the tv show is quite funny. as it is blaine has also been cast in the same production to he and kurt are in new york too. kurt has his on0wn fashin line with vogue.com.

marley is still at nyada but she had been incredibly successful a song she wrote has been recorded by kelly clarkson and she has been asked to right for alicia keys.

skylar is still at medical school where he is top of his class and is focusing on transplant surgery.

charles and maggie have decided to move to move to new york so that sophie can be near her brothers and maggie can be near her sons.

another year later

rachel has just finished her run as maria and is now on  a hiatus due to her expecting their first child she is however working with marley as they are hoping to write a play together called glee based on their high school lives.

sebastian has completed his run as barry allen in the flash musical and has been cast as barry allen from earth 4 in the next season of the flash. he loves his life though plans to keep grant gustin as far away from his rachel as possible.

skylar has now taken a second medical degree having past the first one with flying colours and has had a paper published.

mercedes and sam are now in new york too marley is helping mercedes write for her first album.

kurt and blaine as well as sam and mercedes got married this year

another year later

rachel has given birth to a baby boy named charlie sebastian after his grandfather and his dad he has rachel's  big brown eyes and sebastian's smirk which is already freaking kurt out.

sebastian is now a regular on the flash and is good friends with grant gustin which rachel finds hilarious as its like watching twins  talking to each other.

skylar has now graduated from medical school and is working new york central hospital where he is making quite a name for himself ad a very good surgeon.

mercedes album went platinum and the song marley wrote for  her won a grammy mercedes career is on the up with a number one album.

marley is now a well established song writer and has wrote songs for katy perry maroon 5 pink and adele.

rachel having had charlie six months ago is now in rehearsals for wicked.

another year later

rachel has won her first tony award for wicked and is beyond thrilled she is still in wicked which has been given another year to run.

sebastian has now left the flash and is filming a brand new police crime tv drama due to air later in the year hi career is going well.

rachel and sebastian decided to move outside of the city to a house on the outskirts of the city not far from his parents.

rachel's dads have moved to new york too they run a small jazz bar where they perform regularly maggie helped them wih the menu.

kurt is now a very famous fashion designer blaine is starring in a harry potter themed musical.

present day (another year later)

rachel has just given birth to their second child a little girl they called olivia mae. marley also gave birth to her and skylar's first child a little girl called chloe she is five weeks younger than olivia.

kurt and blaine are adopting a baby and are very excited.

charles smythe sold the family law firm for a shocking profit and he and maggie are living even more comfortably than they were before. he gave a large amount to both sons and set up a trust fund for sophie aslwell has his grandchildren.

so even years after leaving school and leaving ohio rachel is one happy successful woman who is as much in love with her husband has she was the day they got married.

a lot has happened in the years that have past but one thing that has never changed is that rachel sebastian marley skylar maggie charles hiram leroy kurt blaine and sam and mercedes all have gotton their happy ending.

the end

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