skylar's birthday

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its friday almost two weeks later and today is skylar's sixteen birthday tomorrow a pool party is being held for his friends but tonight it is him marley rachel sebastian and maggie and charles.

maggie is as usual cooking up a feast for the special occasion rachel is with sebastian at the local shopping mall picking up a present for skylar.

" i cant believe he is sixteen it makes me feel old" sebastian said as they walked through the mall with his arm around her.

"makes you feel old there is less than two years between you your still seventeen for a few weeks" rachel said

" thats true plus i am your toyboy" sebastian said

" you are" rachel gggled as they arrived at betty's bakery given how much skylar had enjoyed the personalised cupcakes rachel gotton for her birthday rachel and sebastian had decided to get him is own.

" i just realised something " sebastian said

" what" rachel asked

" skylar  is sixteen " sebastian said

" so" rachel said

" marley is already sixteen " sebastian said

" yeah so" rachel said

" well that means they might you know" sebastian said

" i dont think marley is ready for that she is still self conscious " rachel said

" i ordered some cupcakes under the name smythe" sebastian said to the woman behind the counter

" one moment" she said

" i thought we could use the spa voucher your parents gave me for my birthday next weekend " rachel said

" sounds good though we could pick up some massage oil and have alittle fun tonight" sebastian said

" or we could use the rest of the vapour rub" rachel said

" we used that up last week remember we were in our pool house it was thudering so we got into bed and i distracted you " sebastian said rachel blushed as the woman brought the box containing the cupcakes over.

" thank you" sebastian said having paid for them

" so here is an idea as we have to be home intime for dinner why dont you take these to the car and i will run to the pharmacy and get us something to rub all over each other" sebastian said

" sshh." rachel exclaimed as people walking past had heard him.

" your my future wifey i am allowed to worship your body both clothed and unclothed" sebastian said

" will you be quiet " rachel giggled the colour of beetroot.

" look i wont be long im fast you know" sebastian said handing the box to her.

" seb wait " rachel called after him

" rach" he said turning around

" car key" rachel said

" oh yeah here you go babe " sebastian said walking over and handing it to her.

rachel set off for the multistorey car park and carefully headed to the right level and found his car and figuring the cupcakes would be safer on her lap she went to get into front passenger seat...

" whats this betty's bakery eating for two are you" a voice said rachel didnt need to turn around to know it was penelope. rachel opened the car door ingoring her wishing she would just leave but also wondering how she knew where she and sebastian was.

" its rude not to answer" penelope said

" what do you want " rachel asked

" what i want is you to take your grubby little claws off my nephew " penelope said

" look just because you cant find a husband doesnt mean you can go around..." rachel started to say

" how day you" penelope yelled cutting her off rachel was embarrassed as people were watching

" im serious i know all about how the guy you love keeps refusing to marry you having met you i can understand why" rachel said

" what do you want" sebastian said having appeared next to rachelshe felt relieved that he was here.

" i want you not to make the same mistake as your father sebastian so you love this" points to rachel " your young you will find someone more appropriate your a handsome boy girls will be lining up for you girls from distinguished familes like ours not like her" penelope said

" the reason my dad choice my mom was becauseshe was the most unlike you i dont care what you think about me or about our relationship i love rachel and thats it nothing you say or do is going to change that. all your little outbursts are doing is making me see just how amazingly lovely she is" sebastian said

" i see its to late for you well i will just have to make skylar see things differently " penelope said before walking off.

" you leave skylar alone" sebastian called after her.

" are you alright " sebastian asked hugging rachel

" yeah but i am a little concerned though" rachel said

" talk to me" sebastian said

" how did she know we were here" rachel asked sebastian looked at her

" thats a point she isnt the type to frequent the mall" sebastian said

author notice

hi guys sorry i didnt update any stories yesterday  i have being in such shock at the terrible event in Manchester which isnt that far from me. plus i have family in man9so it has being a difficult time i will try to update this story tonight.

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