skylar's words

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as they all stood around him as he uttered her name his mom seemed surprised no doubt she thought he was trying to say mom. rachel was moved by him he truly did love marley she wondered how marley was doing right now. she was at the clinic for her eating disorder and part of her treatment meant she wasnt allowed a cell phone incase she accessed the internet and saw photots of skinny celebrities.

" marley" skylar said again

" she is at the clinic making her better honey im here your dad is and seb and rach" maggie said as he opened one eye he looked groggy like he wasnt exactly seeing them.

" mom" he said

" im right here" maggie said

" dad" skylar said

" im here to" charles said

" dad" skylar called out again

" im here sky" charles said

" the boat" skylar breathed

" dont worry about that " charles said

" allowance" skylar said

" im not going to take the cost of replacing it out of your allowance" charles said

" he is more like me than you thought" aswb said nudging his mom

" i need money" skylar said

" you need money" charles said looking amused

" yeah" skylar said

" i know what your trying to do little bro and it wont work" sebastian said

" what" maggie asked

" he wants a bigger allowance than me" sebastian said

" marley presents" skylar said he seemed to be getting sleepy

" such a gentleman" charles said

"well he has had a very good role model" maggie said looking at charles

" oh thanks mom i do try to spoil my rach" sebastian said

" it always amazing me the situations you can make about yourself" charles said jokingly

" thank you i try" sebastian said

" right well he is sleeping now why dont you three go to the cabin try to get some sleep" maggie said

"im not leaving you my love." charles said

" but" maggie said nodding to sebastian and rachel

" maggie honey he isnt a little boy anymore" charles said rachel felt her cheeks burning

" but charles " maggie said

" maggie do you remember when we were their age our parents were stricter than us but we still managed to find ways. " charles said

" are you seriously discussing your sex life infront of me skylar better move up i need to lay down" sebastian said

" but what if..." maggie started to say

" it hasnt happened so far" charles said

" you mean you know that they are intimate"  maggie said rachel had never felt a blush like it.

" yes and im sorry for not telling you but I knew it would upset you but you saw today yourself how responsible and mature he is" charles said

" okay fine you two go to the cabin get some rest" maggie said

" mom i love rach im not going to do anything that could ruin her life" sebastian said moving away from rachel to cuddle his mom.

" i know that its just you and skylar are my babies its hard for me to see you as the man you have become" maggie said

" which we can all agree is an extremely goodlooking one" sebastian said making her laugh

" uhh" skylar tutted they  were all surprised he had woken back up

" what was that little bro" sebastian said

"im the hot one" skylar said

" ha you must really be drugged up" sebastian said

" your both as handsome as each other" maggie said

" you have to say that your our mother" sebastian said

" oh shut up" maggie sid laughing

" right then little bro your better looking brother is leaving but i will be back soon" sebastian said bending down and hugging skylar.

" bye" rachel said

they hugged his parents before leaving the room they made their way to the car and climbed in they didnt start talking until he had pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

" well its been quite a day" sebastian said

" it has though thankfully skylar seems on thr road to recovery" rachel said

" yeah he does i till cant believe any of it though i keep expecting to wake up" sebastian said rachel reached over and squeezed his hand.

" it just goes to show you never know what is going to happen " rachel said

" that true i cant believe my mom now knows you took my virtue" sebastian said

" what" rachel asked

" my virtue" sebastian repeated

" you werent a virgin you told me you slept with a girl when you lived in paris" rachel said

" yes but its only really counted with you" sebastian said

" i was a virgin" rachel said

" yep i have literally gone where no man has been" sebastian said

" oh shut up" rachel giggled as they arrived back at the cabin.

they made their way to their room they were both tired it had been a long emotional day and they both both got ready for bed.

" no funny business tonight" rachel said as thy got into bed

" why" sebastian asked looking almost hurt by it

" your parents think we are going to amd its weird" rachel said

" i guess it is though if you think about it they will think that anyway so it will most likely be awkward with them tomorrow so if we dont we will find ourselves in an awkward situation for no reason so wouldnt it be better if...." sebastian said but rachel cut him off by kissing him

" looks like someone has changed their mind" sebastian said before kissing her neck....

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