cuddles cake and confessions

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" oh honey " leroy said hugging her as hiram joined in

" you found yourself a good one im so happy for you" hiram said

" rach" marley said rachel pulled away from her dads so marley could hug her

" well done" skylar said hugging sebastian

" thank you little bro" sebastian said

" welcome to the family" hiram saod shaking sebastian's hand

" oh come here" maggie said hugging rachel

" i think we need a photo" charles said rachel and sebastian cuddled up and rachel flashing the ring as charles snapped a photo.

charles tuck a few photos before they all made their way to the alfresco dining area in the smythes garden sebastian swt down pulling rachel onto his lap.

" ok present time here is your birthday presents" leroy said handing her a large present bag she pulled out a square shaped present and tore of the wrapping to find a beautiful watch and matching bracelet

" thank you" rachel said as sebastian placed them onnher wrist.

" looking very bling" skylar said

the next present was a new record player as she liked listening to old records the next was a a collection of new records then they had gotton her some bath products.

" thank you daddies" rachel said

" now for your card" hiram said handing her an envelope she opened it and all most screamed inside the card ws a cheque for $18,000.

" oh my god" rachel said showing sebastian

" woah" sebastian said

" we have being saving that since you were born its your wedding fund plus what we were going to give you for turning eighteen " hiram said rachel got off sebastian'sknee and hugged both her dads.

" now that the birthday presents are done we should start on the engagement presents" charles said

" good idea" maggie said as she handed rachel a small box identical to the box hiram was handing sebastian they both opened them to find a key.

" each of you has a key to each of our houses but we also have another present for you" maggie said as charles handed a box to sebastian who opened it to fins another key.

" what is it for" sebastian asked

" the pool house if you guys want you can live there until you go to new york atleast" charles said

" and your all ok with this" sebastian asked rachel was shocked given how strict their paremts had being until recently.

" your not kids anymore and your planning to marry" leroy said.

" thank you" sebastian said

" thank you " rachel said a second later.

" now for my present " skylar said handing rachel a large flat present sebastian helped her unwrapled it find a picture of skylar painted by skylar.

" what the hell" sebastian said

" well i thouht if you two are going to be shacking up in the pool house that means im not gonna be able t use it am i so i thought you could hang that up and everytime you look at it you will be reminded what your love has cost me." skylar said laughing

" im gonna burn it" sebastian said

" he is turning into another sebastian " maggie said to charles.

" only betfer looking" skylar said marley giggled

" still havent had that eye exam yet have you " sebastian said

" marley" maggie said marley looked at her

" oh" marley said getting up and going into the house rachel wondered what was going on.

" so our little girl is going to be a wife" leroy said

" she sure is" sebastian said

" take good care of here" leroy said

" dont worry i will do" sebastian said stroking her hair before kissing her forehead as marley came out carrying a cake.

" i know you have one for the party but this is a special occasion it warranted its own cake" marley said placing it infront of them. the frosting read congratulations rachel and sebastian happy engagement.

" awe thank you" rachel said

" thanks guys" sebastian said

" are we having it now" skylar asked

" we are your not" sebastian chuckled

" great way to show your mature sebastian " charles chuckled.

" so to clarify im i getting cake" skylar said

" ofcourse" rachel said

" i like you more than seb" skylar said

" she likes me more than you she likes me more than anybody" sebastian said

" so who wants cake" maggie asked. they all said yes

" so you looking forward to your party my dear" hiram said

" i am" rachel said excitedly

" it should be a good night" marley said

" especially now i have put a ring on it" sebastian said making them all laugh.

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