all wrapped up

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rachel spent the rest of the evening dancing with sebastian and her friends it really had being the most perfect day.

now as the party was starting to dwindle rachel saw her dads waving to her so she and sebastian made their way over to them.

" we are going to get off home now sweetheart but enjoy the rest of yout extra special day" leroy said as both dads engulfed her in a hugged.

" well done love he is a good one" hiram whispered

" i know" rachel said

" goodnight sebastian " leroy said hugging him begore hiram did

" its being a good night" charles said

" think everyone is heading home now" maggie said skylar and marley were onnthe dancefloor kissing.

" bet we might be in this situation again in a couple of years" charles said

" i think so" sebastian said

" me to" rachel said as the fournof them stood watching the young lovers who were now giggling.

" i best ring for the car" charles said as maggie walked over to skylar and marley

" so babe have you enjoyed yourself " sebastian asked

" enjoyed is an understatement " rachel said putting her arms around his neck

" well you know its not over yet i think i have the energy for another surprise " sebastian said winking at her making her blush.

" come on" they heard santana say and saw her leading a rather stunned looking thad to the exit of the marquee.

" well i hope he knows what he is getting himself into" sebastian said

" right then the car is on its way" charles said

" lets gather your presents up." marley said as rachel said goobye to her friends

fifteen minutes later rachel was cuddled up to sebastian in the limo on the way back to his parents house skylar was quiet as marley had gone home with her mom maggie and charles were looking quite loved up.

" well i hope this much effort will be put in for my birthday in two weeks" skylar said

" yes i cant believe my little boy will be sixteen" maggie said

" dont forget i will be eighteen in seven weeks" sebastian said

" your both growing up" maggie said as they arrived back at their house.

as they all entered the house sebastian and skylar were carrying her presents for her skylar set the bag he was carrying down.

" im off to bed" skylar said

" goodnight sweetie " maghie said kissing his cheek

" night son" charles said

" night and thank you" rachel said

" night little bro" sebastian said

" now then you two remember you have the key to the pool house" charles said

" you should sleep in there tonight" maggie said

" yeah lets  i will just take your presents upstairs" sebastian said

" wait" rachel said and she reached in and tuck out the photo album then sebastian went upstairs.

" im going to go change" charles said following him upstairs

" so your engaged" maggie said pulling her into a hug

" i cant believe it" rachel said

" i knew you were special before i even met you i could tell sebastian was ahppier than he had ever been so i questioned him and he admitted he was dating a beautiful girl" maggie said

" i love him" rachel said

" he loves you he worships you its funny seb reminds me so much of charles he always had a way with words and you remind me of me or rather when i was your age. im glad he met you i know my boy will be happy  " maggie said

" that means a lot to me" rachel said both woman started to cry

" good god what has happened" sebastian asked walking down the stairs

" we were talking about you" maggie said

" and it made you cry" sebastian asked putting an arm around both of them.

" happy tears" rachel said

" i am going to head up" maggie said

" night" rachel said

" night mom." sebastian said hugging her.

" right then wifey cakes shall we head out to the pool house aka our shag shack" sebastian said

" ok" rachel said giggling as he lead her through the house as they reached the garden rachel stsrted tl shiver in the night air sebastian ever the gentleman removed his blazer of his suit and placed it round her shoulder as hey walked.

once they reached the poolhouse and sebastian unlocked it they both saw why his parents had told them to stay they that night the place was full of balloons wih congratulations there wss a banner which was personalised seb and rach congratulations on your engagement it read.

" awe" rachel said

" i cant believe they did this" sebastian said as they walked inside and saw a basket on the coffee table which had rolls and fruit and an evelope.

" lets see what this says dear seb and rach we thought that while it is rachel's birthday its is such a significant day for both kf you that we thohght it deserved its own celebration.  this basket contains things for breakfast as we wont disturb you in the morning let you have some alone time to celebrate together. love mom and dad" sebastian said

" awe" rachel said

" that is really sweet" sebastian said

" it is" rachel said

" come on" sebastian said leading her through to the bedroom which had another basket on the bed which had a bottle of non alcoholic wine and some strawberries.

" and people wonder where i get my romantic side from" sebastian said takingnout the two wine glasses with were also in the basktet and poping the cork and pouring them both a glass.

" so wifey cakes here we are the start of a whole new chapter of our lives" sebastian said handing her glass to her.

" yeah i cant believe it" rachel said

" to us to whatever the future has instore for us" sebastian said clinking his glass with hers

" i love you" rachel said

" i love you now allow me to help you out of that stunning dress" sebastian said

" only if i can help you out of your suit" rachel said

" im sure i can live with that"  sebastian said smiling at her a mischievous glint in his eye which made her legs weaken.

in the early hours

rachel woke up she looked over wt the clock it was twenty past three in the morning sebastian was fast asleep beside her. she laid there looking at him at his eyelashes as they fluttered as he dreamed he was perfect she thought to herself. she raised her hand up so she could see her engagement ring in the dark she thought back to the moment by the lake she smiled to herself before cuddling back up to him and drifting lff to sleep.

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