just between us

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as sebastian pulled up outside the house his mom was busy telling his dad where to hang some balloons outside the front door. 

" rach dont mention penny tonight let mom have today she is emotional about us growing up " sebastian said

" i was thinking the same thing plus we dont want to ruin skylar's night" rachel said

" hey guys" charles said seeing them walking up the steps

" hey dad " sebastian said

" im gonna go put these in the kitchen so their safe and see if your mom needs a hand" rachel said leaving sebastian with his dad.


" you want me to put the balloons up i am taller than you" sebastian said

" go on then and we are the same height " charles said

" nope im taller" sebastian said

" once you finish with them can you help me put a few banners up" charles asked

" sure no problem" sebastian said

" she is a good influence on you" charles said

" i agree" sebastian chuckled

" enjoy tjis with rachel it goes by so fast it doesnt seem two mimutes ago we brought you home after you were born you were such a alittle cutie" charles said

" what do you mean were" sebastian asked

" well you looked so angelic not a hint of a smirk" charles laughed

" was i a better baby than sky" sebastian asked

" always a competition and no you were both good babies though you wrre different from each other you were more independent you used to like playing and entertaining yourself. sky was clingy especially with your mom tbouh he had far less tantrums than you still does really" charles said

" think your mom is wishing we had more kids you boys are growing up she has devoted her life to raising you boys. you have rachel now and sky seems pretty smitten with marley think she is feeling you guys dont need her asmuch" charles said

" why dont you have a baby then" sebastian said

" what at our ages " charles chuckled

" mom was eighteen when she had me and twenty when she had skylar you guys were younger so you not thst old" sebastian said

" i dont know its not so much having a baby it the next eighteen years" charles said

" yesh but rach and i would baby sit it will good practice for us" sebastian said

" that is something i anted to talk to you about while im thrilled for you and rachel you guys seem to follow after your mom and i but maybe not the having kids so young. not that i regret it i dont i want you t live an exciting full life live alittle before you have that kind of responsibility " charles said

" dont worry im no where near ready to have a family rach has plans big plams for her future and i want to help her achieve them" sebastian said

" good" charles said

" i mean if an accident happened i would be ok about it but like i said we have plans before settling down with a baby.

" good right then lets get the banners up" charles said


rachel was in the kitchen with maggie helping to sort out the food

" i hope sky and marley wont be long" maggie said

" are you alright" rachel asked her

" yeah why" maggie asked

" you seem emotional " rachel said

" my babies are growing up" maggie said rachel smiled and hugged her

" lets get these into the dining room" maggie said

as they walked through rachel saw sebastian putting up a banner he winked at her as he saw her as she and maggie sorted out the table.

" i think i heard a car door" charles said then the front door opened

" hello  your fravorite son is home" skylar called out

" how do you know im here" sebastian shouted back as skylar walked in with marley

" happy birthday" they all said

" thank you" skylar said hugging them all

" oh my boy" maggie said as he hugged her

" see seb im her fravorite " skylar said

" your adopted you know" sebastian said

" anyone would think you were jealous of me" skylar said

" what do i have to be jealous of" sebastian said

" oh be quiet and sit down" maggie laughed

" so a nice dinner then presents " charles said

" sounds good" skylar said

after dinner

they all went and sat innthe living room  sebastian had gone to the kitchen to get the cupcakes

" here you go little bro" sebastian said handing the box go him

" ooh i think i know what these are " skylar said

" we had to get you them so that the rest of us got one this time you ate most of rachel's " sebastian said

" it was a hot day they could have gone off i was just trying to help" skylar said

" yeah yeah" rachel laughed

" right before we get to my present i actually have a present to give to you marley" skylar said

" you didnt have to get me anything" marley said as he handed her a small jewellery box

" i know its just its my birthday rachel has had hers sebastian's is in a few weeks you had yours before we started dating i gought you deserved a gift " skylar said rachel noticed charles and maggie were watching the box with worried expressions.

" thank you" marley said before opening the box to see a pair of beautiful diamond stud earrrings charles exhaled

" what" skylar asked his dad looking ag him confused

" nothing" charles said

skylar opened his presents rachel had gotton him a ticket for a tour of a chocolate factory given his love of sweet things. sebastian had gotton him two designer shirts plus some cologne. marley had gotton him an identity bracelet that he had wanted plus some retro sweets and some dvds. his parents had gotton him a set of new golf clubs some clothes including a canada goose coat a new xbox and new wheels that he wanted for his car.

author notice
hi guys im starting on the next chapter so hopefully it will be published tomorrow

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