Mix emotions

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Oh Jesus gade nan kisa'm mete tet mwen non. (oh Jesus look in what I have put myself in) I thought to myself.

I was seating down with my face in my hands so many things were going through my head. How come I didn't know this before.

I called my doctor's office and made an appointment. I need to know why I'm getting so sick.

My appointment is today at 4:30 and I'm so nervous. I got off work early today I went home change to something more comfortable. I had called Nathaly earlier to ask her if she could pick Jordan from school for me.

I'm seating in the doctor's office lobby waiting to be call.

"Ms. Pierre" the nurse call.


"can you please follow me" I follow her to the back of the office to the examination room. The room had and examination bed with and ultra sound machine next to it. It has a chair that was no too far from the cabinets that have a sink on top of it. There are various pictures on the wall of woman breast feeding and of the growth of fetus in the uterus.

She came in she took my weight, height and blood pressure.

"go ahead and go to the bathroom over there pee in the cup and bring it out leave in the tray on the cabinet please" she says while pointing at the bathroom door then the tray on top of the cabinet.

I did exactly what she asks me to do. A few minutes later she came back and take the cup of pee with her then She hands me a gown.

"can you please remove everything from waste doing and seat on the exam table the doctor with be right with you"

I take of my pants and underwear and seat on the table. There was a knock on the door.

"hello Juna how are you today"

"I'm not doing to good Dr. Grant"

"you say you been very tired lately right"


"and you've been very nauseous"

"yes and I've been

"ok I have the result to your urine test right here "he says opening the folder that was in his hands. My heart was raising.

"the test come back positive you are pregnant" I already took one at home and it come back positive but I was hopping that it was wrong.

"when was your last menstrual period" I don't know what to tell him because I don't remember.

"I don't remember" he looks up at me and smile.

"ok I'm going to examine you and then we going to do and ultra sound to see how far you are in the pregnancy"


"lay on your back and bend your knees please" he hands me a blanket to place over my lap. And I did what he asks me to do. He put on some glove and some lubricant on his finger's.

"ok relax your body" he says and examine me. after he was done he throw way the glove.

"Your cervix feels very soft and close which is very good" "pull the gown up for me" I pull up the gown and he put some gel on my stomach, the gel was ice cold. He places the wand on my stomach and start moving it on my lower abdomen while gently pressing.

"ok by the look of it you are at the end of your first trimester" how can that be how can I be pregnant for so long without knowing.

"you are 10 weeks pregnant, you can see the baby head right there, his arm over there and his feet. Your baby looks good and healthy."

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