Chapter 1

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Belle loved Hogwarts.

    She loved everything about it. The feasts, the freedom, and the faculty. She absolutely adored her dorm and common room, and she felt welcomed in her small group of friends she had made. Everything was going incredibly smoothly, and she was acing all of her classes. She'd even managed to earn her house some points from being studious in class.

She was happy.

    Belle, Lily, and their roommate Eileen all crowded around a table near the back of the library, trying to finish up their homework before the weekend. All three girls were considered the 'nerds' of their year, but they didn't care. They would benefit in the end, right? They'd be the ones getting good jobs at the Ministry, and everyone else would be working for scraps at the Leaky Cauldron.

    Belle slammed down her quill onto the table, leaning back into her chair. The other girls jumped, Lily clutching her chest as she glared at Belle. In one swift motion she smacked Belle on the arm with her book, causing the girl to yelp. Madam Pince glanced out from behind her romance novel, sneering at the group of girls making noise in her precious room of books.

    "SHH!" The librarian hissed, before turning up her nose and going back to her reading.

    "Sorry." The girls hissed, before giving each other amused glances. Madam Pince was always fun to mess around with, especially when reading.

    "So, I was thinking about having a girl's night tomorrow evening. All us Gryffindors, talking and not worrying about school. We'll talk about wizard-bands, our enemies, etcetera. " She grinned, placing her chin in her hands.

    "I think a girls night would be amazing! We can even smuggle in some food from the kitchens!" Belle added, leaning in. She could use a night to forget about school and professors.

    "And how do you plan to get the food?" Lily asked, giving up on trying to finish the essay she was working on.

    "Alice and Celestina, they'd help us." Alice Fortescue and Celestine Abbott were two Hufflepuff girls that had become good acquaintances with the Gryffindor girls. The Gryffindor girls had made friends with almost everyone in their year, except for the Slytherins. The Slytherins tended to separate themselves from anyone who wasn't pureblooded or associated themselves with non-purebloods.

    "Okay, I'm okay with that." Lily sighed, but couldn't keep the smile off of her face. She too was just excited to talk to her friends.

    "Nice! Tell Rosie, tomorrow night at eight-thirty, right after dinner, okay? Great." Eileen packed up her stuff and was gone in a flash, pushing past two boys walking into the library. Remus Lupin and James Potter. Both very popular and very troublesome. Lily and Belle had realized that James and Sirius were complete pranksters and mild gits, as they tended to roam the halls causing mischief. If they weren't pranking teachers, they were messing with students or plotting.

    James immediately spotted the two girls but didn't point them out to Remus, instead opting to ignore them. The marauders, as the school nicknamed them, were very different to Lily, Belle, and Eileen. They broke the rules, the girls enforced them. They messed with teachers, the girls stayed after class to help them clean up. Completely different sides of completely different coins. Since the boat, they haven't had much interaction, and both groups were okay with that.

    Lily let out a triumphant noise as she finished her essay.

    "Okay," She cheered quietly, "Let's go, it's almost dinner and I fancy changing out of my robes before then." Lily stood, followed by Belle, who didn't want to get left behind. As they passed by James and Remus, who were looking up books for a Potions essay, Belle caught Remus's eye. She had figured out it was him who she bumped into on the train, but she forgave him. He was an anxious looking boy, who looked quite terrible all the time. He had scars lining his face and bags under his brown eyes. He was nice, however, as the two sat together in Transfiguration. As she caught his eye, he gave her a lopsided smirk and a half-wave. She waved back.

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