Chapter 21

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"Let's get candy."

"It's nine in the morning!"


"You are asking for heart problems..." Lily sighed, wrapping her coat around herself. The temperature had dropped considerably from the beginning of the year and now every student adorned cloaks and scarves in the hallways. Belle had taken to stealing forgotten jumpers from her guy-friends and had taken to wearing them around. She mostly took Remus's, only because he was the only one that wouldn't chase her around until she gave it back.

"I'm a witch, Lils, they can fix me if I do!" Belle grinned, wrapping an arm around each of her friends. Like planned, only Remus and Lily were available for Hogsmeade and Belle was okay with it. Lily and Remus were her best-friends, and any quality time around them was good in her book.

"She's right." Remus sighed, "My father's brother had heart problems and they cured him instantly."

"It's still not good for you!" Lily exasperated, pulling Belle and Remus past Honeydukes and towards the Three Broomsticks. "I've heard there's great butterbeer here!"

"What's Butterbeer?" The brunette asked, nearly stumbling over a hidden rock in the path. It had rained yesterday, and the cobblestones were still slippery from the day before. Since she'd woken up, Belle had managed to slip three times, and she wasn't normally that clumsy.

"How is it know what Butterbeer is and you don't? Aren't you supposed to be a Pureblood?"

Belle shrugged.

"I never really asked my dad what it was like—my mum went to Beauxbatons when she was little and my whole family assumed I'd go there as well."

"Then how'd you end up at Hogwarts?" Remus asked.

"I got my letter before my Beauxbatons one and my dad took that as a sign for me to go to Hogwarts. Apparently they had a bet or something..." She smiled softly, memory of a happier time making her feel lighter. It still pained her to think of her mom, but slowly she'd gotten used to talking about it. Everyone around her, spare her father, had been more than willing to talk to her about it and it had definitely helped.

"Luckily it did—if not we may have not met." Lily grinned, glancing at her friend.

"Wow, you guys really would've missed out, huh?"

Lily and Remus both simultaneously shoved Belle, causing her to get slammed together in the middle. She groaned as her friends laughed, tugging her along inside the Three Broomsticks. It was a cosy pub that was a nice contrast to the bleak scenery outside. Students and adults filled the building to the brim and the smell of pastries and fizzy drink filled the air. Belle had to strain to hear her friends over the laughter and overall joy of the pub, but she didn't mind. Already in the process of slinging off her coat, which actually happened to be Remus's that she had stolen, she took a seat in-between her two friends in a large booth. A curvy waitress flaunted by to take their orders and Lily decided to make Remus order for them, only fueling him to blush and stutter around the woman.

"I hate you guys." He muttered, glaring at his two friends after Madam Rosmerta sauntered away.

"Boy's are too caught up in appearances," Lily giggled, "If you were less concerned about lumps of fat and more concerned with one's IQ, the world would be a better place."

"And what is your excuse for the hoard of girls that follow Sirius around?" Remus challenged, raising a brow.

Lily thought for a moment, frowning at the table. He seemed to have caught her there, as most of the girls that liked Sirius were just following him for his looks.

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