Chapter 7

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Spring Holiday readily approached, and the students were beginning to get anxious. No-one payed attention is lessons anymore, and everyone seemed to do poorly on their essays, even Lily who bashfully had given up on her Charms paper a few days ago. Everyone constantly talked about the holiday as if it was Merlin's gift (to many of the students it was). After a long conversation in the common room about two weeks before Spring Break, the group of first year Gryffindors had come to an agreement of staying at Hogwarts for the holiday. Sirius had been the one to suggest the idea which was quickly approved by Eileen. James gave in after a few moments, and was followed by Peter and Rosaline, and then eventually Remus. It took a few more days to convince Lily and Belle, for different reasons. For Lily, James was starting to get on her nerves with his constant jokes and poking into other people's business, such as her friend Serverus, who the boys had taken to taunting every moment they could. For Belle, she wanted to see how her mother was doing and be there while she was sick, but after a lengthy letter written by both her father and her mother claiming they wanted her to have fun and make memories, she eventually agreed.

Sirius and Eileen seemed to be ecstatic at the idea of spending a week without lessons together as a group. Belle had recently found out that Eileen did not enjoy her two step-sisters and her step mother, who she'd lived with since she was four when her father died. Belle was the first to express her sympathy, but Eileen quickly assured her friends that she didn't even remember her father, it was the past. Sirius, however, had openly expressed his hatred for his family, including his younger brother Regulus who would be starting Hogwarts next year.

Now, it was the last lesson of the day, Potions, before break begun. Those who were leaving for home would leave this afternoon, and those who were staying would have their own minor feast tonight. Belle anxiously tapped her fingers against the side of the desk, which harmonized with Sirius, her partner in Potions, who was thumping his foot agains the floor. The two looked at each other with exasperated glances before turning back to Slughorn.

"The specific history of the Forgetfulness Potion is, unfortunately, somewhat a mystery to us, as its discoverer, a 16th century Spanish Witch by the name of Federica Quimía, had the notion of testing the Potion on herself as she experimented. Luckily we do have her final recipe in note form, but she did not record the process that brought her to correctly brewing the Forgetfulness Potion and, as one may imagine, once she was successful forgot everything of the process that led to her discovery. Ms. Quimia discovered a variation far more potent than what we currently call the Forgetfulness Potion, and the concoction we will be brewing today only causes mild carelessness and difficulty remembering minor details for its duration. It is important to note that Ms. Quimía's unfortunate loss of mental capability may have also derived from so many unsuccessful attempts at brewing it..."

As Slughorn droned on, the students one by one begun to lose interest. Sirius had begin flicking pieces of paper at Belle, who tried desperately to ignore them, but each one that hit her face enraged her even more. She could hear the chuckles from James and Remus, who sat behind the two, watching the scene unfold.

"The Forgetfulness Potion is often used during pranks to cause the unsuspecting victim to become scatterbrained for a brief time, but Wizard Psychiatrists also use the Potion to treat extreme anxiety disorders or those suffering from trauma."

Eileen and Peter had turned around in their seats a small bit to watch Sirius anger Belle even more. She gave Eileen desperate eyes hoping she would tell Sirius off for her, but Eileen just shrugged. The Ravenclaws, who sat on the other side of the room, too had begun talking quietly to themselves, their notes abandoned. They all knew Slughorn would review everything when they came back anyways.

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