Pre Halloween jitters

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The tension between Damon and me kept getting worse and worse; it was like I had no power over my own actions anymore, and all I ended up doing was to provoke him.

"Damon! I'm not your house keeper here!" I yelled throughout the house. "You have to do your own dishes, what the hell have you been drinking; Bloody Mary?" I mumbled as he strolled in to the kitchen.

"No I think her name was Alice." He said in a passive challenging kind of way.

"What is it with you?!"

"I'm a vampire." He admitted with a shrug of the eyebrows and a slight smirk.

I stared at him and started to chuckle dryly. "Yeah, whatever!" I rolled my eyes. "Vampire; you're hilarious!" I padded him on the shoulder and walked away.

What was it that made Damon to always choose sarcasm? What was it that made him never talk about the serious stuff? He seemed to always puzzle me.

I desperately needed to get out of the house and took the car down to the Grill, to finally be able to breathe without all the weird stuff going on. I saw Elena by the bar and sat down next to her.

"Wow, you're looking hot today!"

She turned and looked a little confused at me, like she had never really met me.

"I love the curls!" I said and took one of the strands between my fingers.

She smirked at me. "Thanks'."

"Wait a minute; Elena don't smirk!

"What's gotten into you today?" I felt a little confused and watched her gulp down the last of her bourbon. "Wait a minute, you drink?" I stared incredulous at her.

She narrowed her eyes and was eyeing me for a while before she leaned closer to me. "Still little miss ignorant, are you? They still haven't told you?"

This didn't feel like the Elena I knew; this felt more like... Damon.

I looked dumbfounded at her. "Told me what?"

"I am not Elena." She just turned around and strutted out of the Grill.

Everyone seemed to have lost their mind; maybe it's my turn today...

I only had one drink there by the bar; yes as usual it was only a soda, and then I got in my car again. At first I thought about going to Mark's place, but I felt annoyed by everything going on and that really wasn't something I wanted to throw over Mark, so I just got home.

I met Stefan in the study, while walking from the kitchen. "Hi Emilia, how's it going?" He asked. "I noted that Mark's never around."

"It's fine." I lied. "I just didn't feel like going to his place, and he just doesn't feel comfortable coming here, I think." I revealed while walking towards the stairs. "I love Elena's new look, by the way." I uttered in a casual way.

Stefan turned and looked puzzled, surprising me.

"You haven't seen her? She looked hot!" I emphasized with a wicked smile at him.

His eyes widened and the confused look merged into a cold and hard mask in an instant. All of a sudden he didn't look like the Stefan I had got to know.

"What? I'm not hitting on her; you don't have to glare at me like that!" I said irritated. What was with everybody today? I was just about to walk out on him when I stopped irritated. "And why haven't you told me about this whole roll-playing that's going on. Elena was all; Oh I'm not Elena!" I said in a mocking voice. "And Damon the other day; Oh I'm a vampire! That's weird and I don't know if I want to be part of it."

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