Bloody Mary

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After what felt like days of being in purgatory, of being extremely hungry, but not able to keep any food down and with a headache that that made me want to commit homicide as soon as anyone was anywhere near me; it started to subside. If I could only get out of the constant questions of how I was feeling! Couldn't they understand that I just wanted to be left alone!

Me drinking blood or not, seemed to be the only conversation Elena, Caroline and the brothers had with me these painful days.

"Really?! What is it with you and this blood thing, and stop shouting at me." I hissed with a hand, shadowing my eyes from the light down stairs.

Stefan walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders. "You are in transition and if you don't drink blood you will die!"

My mouth fell open.

"Don't you get it? We don't want you to die!"

I was still baffled and didn't know what to say. Stefan misunderstood my silence though.

"You don't have to live off of humans, I'll be happy to help you adapt to the animal diet, but just this first sip has to be human."

"Sip?" I shook my head and took something to eat and then I got back in bed again.

I was struggling with the thoughts of being a vampire versus being a human.

One the plus side of being a vampire was this whole thing of never getting old and never really having to go to the gym to keep in shape, and that weighed pretty heavy at this point. Then there was the diet issues; not a whole lot to choose from.

Hmm, what do I crave today; A positive or AB negative? Yeah that was a downside...

As a human there was this whole thing of starting a family, getting pregnant and that whole package with day-care and PTA-meetings. What did I know about raising a child? I didn't even have a mother or any other grown up relatives to confer about the upbringing of a child.

The real issue of being a vampire or die, I choose to ignore.

I kept it up for another half day even if I saw their worried looks, but finally I was cornered by Damon. I was sitting on the couch in the tv-room, flipping through the channels, trying my best to ignore the headache and ringing in my ears.

"Drink this and I'll be yours forever." He had that flirting smile that was impossible to resist and wiggled his eyebrows. "Literally..."

I whined. "You've healed me before, why can't I just have a sip of you?"

Well, that sounded...wrong...

Damon smirked. "Vampire-blood won't work; you need a Bloody Mary...or Susan." He said and wiggled the glass.

I took the glass of carmosine liquid and looked deep in it before I brought it up to my lips. It was thicker than I assumed it to be, but it tasted just as metallic as I expected it to do; metallic and salty.

"Good girl!" Damon encouraged me and kissed me on my still blood-covered lips. It felt both nasty and a bit good.

My God, the transformation was completed.

I had turned into a pervert.

I had in my innocence thought I would be feeling better immediately; like when Damon had given me his blood. The transitioning was something we had never really discussed, not beyond the actual facts, you know; vampire-blood, death and then human blood. The massive headache I have had during this thing had been a surprise to me, even if the ones around me, that had walked this path before me, had been expecting this.

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