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"Where are your cravings?" Damon had this annoyed look on his face.


"Yeah, cravings for blood! Even the control-freak Caroline sucked a guy dry in the beginning." Damon said. "And don't even get me started on Stefan, the blood-junkie in the early days." He rolled his eyes.

I realized they hadn't talked to me about their early days as vampires. Damon had only mentioned it during our closer time in New York.

"Turning into a vampire usually turns anyone into a crazy blood-junkie. I was no count Deepak in the beginning."

"You have never been any count Deepak!" I reproached him.

He just smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Being good and righteous all the time; where's the fun in that?" He looked like a kid in a candy store, and with a smile I scowled myself for never be able to get mad at him when he was in that state.

"What happened the night of the fight?" I realized I hadn't asked about it and since I was lost somewhere in the middle of everything. "I remember you being hurt...and Klaus was shot. Is everyone okay?" It was like everything suddenly mattered again in a way it hadn't in a long time. "I'm sorry I haven't asked before... I've been... preoccupied..."

"Don't feel bad! You've had other things on your mind." He was very forgiving.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes, everyone on our side..." he said with a shrug of the eyebrows. "Actually you handled the other side in a way I have never seen before; you had them drooling and begging for forgiveness."

I looked puzzled at him. "What are you talking about?"

"We all just saw you leap and press your hand on your father's friend's forehead, mumbling something about him never hunting vampires again and then he slumped back like he passed out."

Once again I looked like a question-mark.

He returned my confusion. "You don't remember?"

I thought back really hard, and somewhere there was a bell ringing. I remembered Mr H being there and he attacked Damon; yes, I remembered being totally pissed off and rushing over to him. I starred at Damon. "Did I hit him?"

"No, not really, you just...hexed him?"

I smiled. "What, like a witch? I'm not a witch." I chuckled.

He had his flirty smile on again. "No, you're a sweetie-vamp-chick." He kissed me. "Truthfully, you could have been a bit meaner, my princess of darkness..."

I glared at him, only making him chuckle. "You like my dark side, eh?" I smiled.

"I have craved your dark side ever since I saw you checking me out at the airport, looking like a lost puppy."

He had known all along I checked him out? Well that was a bit embarrassing...

"But weren't you shot?"

"Yes, and so were you."

"Really, that's what happened?"

"Yeah, well we didn't really found a bullet-hole, but that must have been because I gave you my blood. The wound must have healed before we could deal with you."

I shuddered at the thought of that horrid fight. But Damon surprised me.

"Beside the fact that you got hurt, that was a funny day." He had that boyish grin on his face and I wondered if I would be like that; realizing from a fight where people got killed.

I shuddered.

Damon revealed that the hunters had left some of their things behind and curiously I searched through the things he had hid in his closet.

Along with a few weapons, a book, looking like an old journal caught my eye. When I flipped through it, I first thought it wasn't a journal at all, but more like a grimoire, some witches' cook-book.

There were no spells, though; but more like instructions. This must have been some engineer's instruction-book over things you could build; I thought while flipping through it.

Luckily there were some ascriptions by each and every sketch in the old book, but it was written in such old swirly letters, that I had a hard time understanding it. The wordings were in old English, so I decided the best thing would be to consult one who was more familiar in the way people wrote in the old days.

Hmm, who should I choose?

I decided to hold on to it until the time was right.

"I think we'll keep this our little secret until we found out more what it is and why they had it." He put the book back in the same hiding-place. He then turned to me and kissed me in a way that made my head spin.

He broke off a really good world-turning kiss. "There's something wrong!"

Alarmed I looked around me to find what he meant.

He chuckled. "No, not like that." He kissed me again. "I still want to eat you."

Well that didn't turn the alarm off.

"Either there's something wrong with you or it's just me."

"Must be you."

"Must be." he said with a dark chuckle. "Because I just want to sink my teeth into you." he used the seductive voice and I realized I got turned on by the thought.

WTF? Oh right I had turned. Into a perv!

"If you hurt me, I will punish you!"

"I love it when you
talk dirty to me."

I rolled my eyes.

Moving In (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now