Going home anyway

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I wanted to smack him on the arm so much, when he scared the crap out of my sweet doctor, but I knew he why he did it.

After what almost felt like standard procedure by now, we got to the hotel, packed our bags, Damon had a 'snack' and we were off to the airport.

We had hired someone to get all the stuff back in place at the storage and with my pieces of ancestry paper in my carry-on we could try and put these days behind us.

I took out the family tree and studied it thoroughly to confirm or not that I was related to the man who wrote those journals, Giorgio.

There were a lot of names and I looked it over and over, but didn't find anything useful until I turned to the other part of the paper and there it was; the names Giorgio and Aisha.

"Wow, look!" I pointed to show Damon who bent over to look closer.

"Is that the guys in the journals?"

"Yes, it must be. I remember Giorgio and Aisha from the books, and they first had a son and then a daughter." I told him, studied the paper closer and gasped. "Guess what they named their first born son..."

Damon looked closer once again and then he laughed.


"The first one in your linage, born in America is named Salvatore?"

I glared at him. "I still haven't confirmed that this is my relatives."

"Isn't Salvatore supposed to be a surname?" He joked and it felt so good to see him smile at me again.

"That's a first name as well..." I actually laughed too.

They called our flight number and we had to board the plane, so I carefully folded the papers again and put them back in my bag. But as soon as we were airborne I took it out again.

"Look, here are the rest of their children; the daughter Gemma, and then Lukah, Piero and Natalia." I was just about to say something about the last one, but Damon cut in.

"Five children..." Damon got a distant look in his eyes.

I tried not to be too obvious in my way to observe him, to give him some privacy, but I was of course curious at his reaction.

"I wanted children, but that was before..." He never finished that sentence. "Oh well, no time for brooding." He snapped out of it.

I took his hand. "It's okay to be sad, and okay to wonder what if." I said seriously and I really meant it. He spent all of his time trying so hard not to think about 'What if', it was like he didn't think he was allowed.

He pressed his eyebrows so hard together and his eyes got so deep blue, a hue I had never seen before. "I'm not the right guy for you, but I can't stay away." The emotions were clear in his voice.

"You can't make that decision for me."

Damon held my hand and stroked it. "I have a little more life experience than you..." He whispered tart.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Well that added fuel to the fire...

"Don't you think about what could happen a year from now, five or ten years from now? Your wishes changes."

I broke of our eye contact, leaned my head back on the seat and looked ahead without seeing anything. "Not since my father died and my whole life changed." I said in a sad voice. "I try do live day by day."

Damon kept watching me intensely. "Well that's my life story..." He finally said with a sigh and I realised the similarity of our lives, even if there was a slight difference; what was it again?

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