4. He Asks You Out

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Ashton- You've been best friends with Ashton since 3rd grade, but lately, you've been developing feelings for him, but you didn't know if he felt the same about you. You looked over to see him walking over to you. "Hey Y/N.. I know we're best friends, and I don't wanna ruin our friendship, but I really, really like you... Do you wanna maybe give it a try?" he asked, flashing a nervous smile. "Yes! Yes Ashton I would!" You smile, giving him a tight hug.

Luke- Luke Hemmings had been your crush since the beginning of high school, and you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw him walking towards you in the hallway. "Y/N, you probably don't like me, but I really like you, and I was wondering if you'd wanna go out with me?" He asked nervously. "Yes!! I've liked you for the longest time Luke." you admitted. "Me too!" he smiled in shock.

Calum- You and Calum had been good friends since you were young, but you'd recently started falling for him. "Hey Cal, what's up?" you walked over to him in the studio. He was being way quieter than normal. "I.." he said standing up. "I- Would you go out with me? I mean if you-" "Yes!" you cut him off smiling. "Really!?" he asked surprised. You nodded and laughed.

Michael- You had met Michael and the boys a few weeks ago when they were out to pizza. They had invited you over to their place a few times before, but this time seemed different You couldn't quite put your finger on what was wrong. You took a seat next to a quiet Michael and slyly glanced up at him. He was the one that you had developed some feelings for. "Y/N, I know we only met a few weeks ago, but I like you.. Would you wanna go out with me?" he asked, looking down. "Only if you let me see your gorgeous eyes." you smiled and he lifted his head up.

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