58. Fight (part one)

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Ashton- It was almost 2 in the morning and you haven't gotten any sleep. You were staying over Ashton's, and he had been playing his drums for hours now. You had tried to drown out the sound, but found it impossible to sleep. You also found it harder to fall asleep when he wasn't right next to you. You sighed as you got out of bed and trudged downstairs. "Ash, can you please keep it down?" you asked sleepily. "What?" he asked, holding his drumsticks in his hands. "I haven't gotten any sleep, can you play a little quieter?" you asked again. "Y/N, I need to practice! You don't even need to stay here!" Ashton snapped, angrily. You felt tears well up in your eyes, and stomped back upstairs. You grabbed the bag full of your stuff, then walked out of his house, slamming the door behind you.

Luke- Your boyfriend Luke had asked you on a nice dinner date a few weeks ago, and tonight was the night. However, you had been sitting at a table in the restaurant alone for the past 3 hours. Tears blurred your vision as you slowly stood up, pushing in the chair. You left sadly, and drove to Luke's place, which you often stay over. You collapsed on his couch, silently crying. An hour later, you heard the front door open. "Hey, Y/N!" Luke grinned. You looked up at him, and saw a look of confusion on his face. "Why are you in a fancy dress? Why are you upset?" he asked sadly, sitting down next to you. You just stood up and glared down at him sadly. "The fancy dinner that you had planned last month. I was waiting there for 3 hours, Luke. It's nice to know how much you care about me." you said, your voice cracking at the end. "Y/N, wait!" Luke cried out, but you were already out the door.

Calum- It was 3 in the morning, and you were alone on Calum's couch. You were worried, upset, and angry. Suddenly, the front door opened, and Calum stumbled into the house. "Hi Y/N." he slurred tiredly- So he was drunk. "Calum, why are you back this late? You said you'd be back at 12, but that was 4 hours ago! And you're drunk." you frowned at him. "Leave me alone. I'll do what I want." he mumbled. "Bye Calum." you said coldly, trying to hold
back the tears. You stormed out of his house, not looking back.

Michael- You were home on a Friday night because Michael and some of his friends had gone out clubbing. You didn't think that much of it because you trusted him, but that all changed when you logged onto Twitter. A picture of Michael kissing some girl was the only thing you saw. Tears started to stream down you face, and you pulled out
your phone. You dialed Michael's number, and you weren't surprised when it went right to voicemail. "I thought I could trust you, Michael. Goodbye." you whispered into the phone. You walked sadly out of his house, wondering what he'd do when he heard the voicemail.

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