8. Storm

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Ashton- You and Ashton were walking to his car when it started to pour. Ashton put his jacket over your head and grabbed into your hand. "Run." he said, pulling you along. The car was parked outside of course, but you had to find where. Ashton clicked his keys and suddenly his car was found. You both ran to it, out of breath by the time you finally reached it. "Sorry this didn't exactly turn out how we thought it would Y/N" Ashton frowned. "It was fine Ash, don't worry! You can't control the weather. " you said smiling. The next thing you knew, you were pressed up against his car, his lips on yours. "This is just like those romantic movies." you laughed when the kiss broke.

Luke- You were at Luke's place watching movies, when the power went out. You were cuddled up against him, so you just had to glance up to see his face. "What now?" you asked. "I'm not letting you drive home in this storm. " Luke said firmly. "But Luke I-" "No." he cut you off. He stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you off of the couch. He lead you to his bedroom and collapsed on to bed, pulling down down with him. "Cuddling doesn't need power. " he said, his lips forming into a small smile. You smiled back as Luke wrapped his arm around your waist. You two fell asleep to the sound of the rain.

Calum- You were over Calum's house watching TV, when the lights turned out. "Aww the power went out!" he frowned. "What should we do now..?" you asked, not wanting to just sit in the dark. "I know!! Let's get flashlights and play board games!" Cal suggested. You nodded and smiled. He rummaged through drawers and found a large flashlight and about 6 board games. You both decided to play Monopoly first, and Calum pouted when you won.

Michael- "NO!" Michael yelled when the TV turned black. "I WAS SO CLOSE TO BEATING IT!" he groaned. "It's okay, I'm sure you'll get right to it after the power turns back on. " you smiled. "What do I do nooow??" Michael whined. "I don't know..." you said thinking. Michael then wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled out back onto the bead you had been sitting on. "Stay with me." he mumbled into your hair. You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Of course." you said softly.

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