34. He Yells At Your Daughter

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requested by 1Dgirl_5SOSgirl :)

Y/D/N = Your Daughter's Name (you can just choose a name you like :)

Ashton- "Y/D/N!" Ashton bellowed. Your 10 year old daughter slowly walks through the doorway. "Yeah?" she asked timidly. "I've told you a thousand times, stop leaving the TV on when you leave for school!" Ashton yelled. Your daughter was still standing up, and now she was trying not to cry. "S-sorry." she mumbled, scurrying back into her room. "Ash, did you have to be that hard on her?" you asked him. "I- Ugh." he sighed, putting his head in his hands. "Why don't you go apologize, she's probably crying..." you told him. "Fine." he groaned. "Thanks babe." you half-smiled, kissing his cheek.

Luke- "Y/D/N! You need to clean up the toys when you're done!" Luke snapped at your 2 1/2 year old daughter. Her lip started to tremble, and silent tears started to roll down her face. Luke sighed and sat down next to your daughter. "I'm sorry Y/D/N." Luke whispered, scooping her up in his arms. He rocked her back and forth to get her to stop crying. He looked up and smiled shyly when he saw you watching him.

Calum- "Y/D/N, YOU CAN'T DATE HIM!" Calum shouted at your 15 year old daughter. "YES, I CAN! AND I WILL!" she yelled back. "Cal! Y/D/N!" you snapped when you walked in on them yelling. Calum and your daughter both seemed to groan. "What is this about?" you asked, looking at both of them. "Dad won't let me date someone..." your daughter frowned. "Because he's not a good influence!" Calum growled. "You barely know him!" Y/D/N said crossly. She stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her. "Go Calum. Find her, apologize, and tell her she can date him!" you tell Calum. "But-" he started to say, before you cut him off with a kiss. "Go." you whispered, and he was out the door.

Michael- "Y/D/N!" Michael shouted so loudly it could be heard throughout the house. You ran to see what was going on, and followed Michael's voice. You saw your 1 year old daughter sitting in front of a stack of Michael's old CDs. She burst into tears when he yelled her name. "Michael, she's a baby, she didn't know any better!" you hissed at him. Michael immediately started to look guilty, and walked over to pick her up. "I'm sorry, Y/D/N." he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

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