53. Movies

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Ashton- "What movie should we watch?" you asked, plopping down on the couch next to Ashton. "Insidious 2!" he smirked. "No! Not a horror movie, Ashton!" you frowned, giving him a playful slap. "What about Scary Movie 5?" Ashton asked. You agreed to that, and you both laughed at the movie's mock scariness.

Luke- "Tonight just feels like a Mean Girls night." you smiled, getting up to grab the DVD. Mean Girls was yours and Luke's favorite movie, and you watched it together often. You popped some popcorn, and then snuggled up next to Luke, quoting basically the entire movie.

Calum- "Anchorman!" Calum shouts, smiling. You rolled your eyes, but put the DVD in. You sat down on the couch next to Calum, holding your bowl of popcorn. You both laughed so much, even though you've seen it before.

Michael- "We should watch The Hunger Games." you suggested. Michael nodded, and you went to put the movie on. It was one of your favorite movies to watch together, because you both loved all of the action and suspense.

A/N: Mean Girls is my absolute favorite movie and it has been for about 4 years and today's the 10 year anniversary of it so yaaay

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