41. Love Hurts (part one)

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Ashton- You were on tour with your boyfriend Ashton and his band. The boys had the day off, and Ashton invited you to take a walk with him in a park near the hotel. He told you to wear a disguise, since the band had been getting really bad hate recently- Hate as bad as death threats. You and Ashton had just gotten to the car, both dressed in weird hats and oversized jackets. "I'm sorry it has to be like this Y/N." Ashton frowned, taking your hand as you both began to walk along a path. "It's fine. As long as I'm here with you." you grinned up at him. He smiled back, and you smiled even wider at the sight of his adorable dimples. "I love you. " Ashton said, pecking your nose. "I love you too, Ash." you said. "There he is!" you heard a quiet voice say. You just brushed it off. "Are you ready?" the voice said again. You looked to your right, where you heard the voices- Nothing. "Go!" the voice hissed, and sooner than you knew it, Ashton had jumped in front of you. "Y/N!" Ashton shrieked, falling to the ground instantly. "Ash!" you cried out, bending down. On his back, a large bloody spot was in the center of his gray t-shirt. "Ashton!" you sobbed, tears rolling down your face. The sound of an ambulance soon filled your eardrums.

Luke- You were driving home from dinner with some of your friends late at night. Your boyfriend Luke was on tour with his band, and you both missed each other so much. You had been expecting a text from him all day, and you were starting to get worried. You tapped the steering wheel to the beat of whatever song was on the radio. Suddenly, your phone screen lit up, and made a noise. You couldn't stop the smile that was forming on your face. You were on a busy road, but figured looking down for just a second wouldn't matter. You picked up your phone with one hand, and left the other on the wheel. Luke had texted you a simple, yet meaningful "i love you." You felt a warm feeling inside of your body, and felt your heart skip a beat. You slid open your phone and started to type your response, not paying much attention to the busy road in front of you. You began to type "i love yo-" until headlights blinded your vision.

Calum- "It hurts not being with you, Y/N." Calum whispered, his voice cracking through the phone. Your boyfriend Calum was away on tour with his band, and you had both found a way to talk somehow everyday. "I miss you too, Cal. I guess that sometimes, love hurts." you smiled sadly, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I...I haven't been the same without you. I can barely go a day without seeing you, how did I think I could go six months!" he chucked, but you could hear the sadness in his voice. "I miss you so much." you said softly into the phone, because if you talked any louder, you'd start to sob. "It's like there's a hole in my heart... I can't sleep, I can't eat, and it's just so hard for me to be happy..." Calum said, trailing off. "Me too." you croaked out. "The only thing that would stop the pain is seeing you." Calum whispered.

Michael- You and Michael were at a bar, and he had just gone to the bathroom, leaving you sitting alone on a stool at the counter. Suddenly, you felt a strong grip on your waist. "Hey, babe." Someone whispered in your ear- that someone was definitely not your boyfriend Michael. The guy spun you around on the stool, and grabbed your wrists. "Stop!" you mumbled, trying to get free of his grip. "Nah, c'mon baby." he slurred, dragging you out the doors of the bar. He brought you to the side of the building and pressed you up against the cold brick wall. "Let me
go!" you snarled at him. He simply
laughed. "No." he whispered. "Michael!" you shrieked, hoping that he'd hear you. "Stop shouting. Yours safe with me." he smirked, leaning closer. His break reeked of alcohol. "Michael!" you called out again, tears blurring your vision. "Michael..." you whisper, crying too hard to yell. He guy now had both hands on your hips. "Y/N!" you suddenly heard a familiar voice yell- He could save you.


5sos PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora