83. Song Preference (If You Don't Know)

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Song Preference- "If You Don't Know" -5sos

his pov

Ashton- "Tonight we're fading fast/I just wanna make this last"

"Y/N, don't go, please, we can fix this!" I said, running in front of the door. "No, Ashton, we can't." she said firmly, clenching her jaw. "Please." I whispered, reaching for her hand. She quickly moved it away. "Ashton." she whispered, her voice wavering. "We can make this last!" I insisted, blinking back the tears. "Our relationship has faded. We don't even feel anything for each other anymore." she shook her head, reaching for the door. "No." I whispered, bringing my eyes up to hers. "Bye." she said quickly, pushing me aside and slamming the door shut behind her.

Luke- "Go ahead rip my heart out/If you think that's what love's all about"

"Go ahead," I said, with a slight edge to my voice, "Take it. Take my heart." "Luke!" she sighed frustratedly, turning away from me. "No, really, Y/N. If you think that's what love's all about, then take my heart. Do whatever you want with it." I growled through gritted teeth. She turned back around and shook her head, refusing to make eye contact. "You thought you could just take my heart, do whatever you want with it, then just be done with it. That's not how love works. That's not what love is." I growled, turning around, not looking back.

Calum- "And the shirt that I had/That you always borrowed/When I woke, it was gone, there was no tomorrow"

I blinked my eyes open to see the usually occupied space next to me completely empty. "Y/N?" I mumbled tiredly. I started to remember what happened last night, and a shock ran through my body. We had fought for hours, about stupid things that didn't even seem to matter now. I got out of the empty bed and ran over to my drawers. I opened the one she always raided to find my black Santa Cruz shirt, the one that she always borrowed. I kneeled down in front of the drawer and rummaged through everything in it. "No." was the only words that slipped out of my mouth when I saw that it wasn't in there. I slammed the drawer shut angrily, and felt the tears well up in my eyes. "No." was all I could say as I shut my eyes and replayed all of the memories we had together. It felt like there was no tomorrow.

Michael- "I want you to want me this way/ And I need you to need me to stay/ If you say that you don't feel a thing/ If you don't know/ Let me go"

"I can't stay if you don't want me! I can't be here if you don't need me!" I shouted, storming towards the door. "Michael, wait! I just don't know how I feel!" she sighed. "You just said that you didn't feel a thing." I growled. "I don't! But I don't know!" she whined, putting her head in her hands. "I need you to need me to stay." I said, turning towards her. "I don't know." she said, as if it was the only thing that she could say. "Then just let me go." I replied, tightening my grip on the door knob, hoping that she'd make up her mind, tell me that she needs me and wants me. That didn't happen though. I shook my head as I opened the door and stepped out. I couldn't look back at her.

the don't stop ep is amazing! it's so hard to choose, but this song is probably my favorite!

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