17. You Adopt A Pet Together

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Ashton- "What should we get Y/N!?" your boyfriend Ashton asked as you walked into the pet store. "I don't know!" you responded. You both walked all around the pet store, until you came to the cats. "Oh my gosh, Ashton they're so cute!!" you squealed. "A cat it is then!" Ash smiled. You walked up to the crate of a gray and white one, and it instantly came up to you. "This one is adorable!" you smiled as you watched it walk around. "Aw!" Ashton smiled with you. "You can name it, Ash. " you said. "How about... I don't know!" he laughed. "Let's name it after you.. Fletcher?!" you suggested. "Fletcher it is!" Ashton smiled, giving you a big hug.

Luke- You and Luke had driven for and hour and a half to get to a rescue place to adopt a pet. You and Luke both wanted to get a dog. You both got out of the car and walked into the kennel part of the rescue. "They're all so cute!" you smiled, looking at all of the dogs. "Which should we get?" Luke asked, also smiling. As you walked past all of the barking dogs, one stood out to you. It was a Golden Retriever that was standing up against the cage. "This one!" you said, kneeling down in front of the cage. "What should we name it!?" Luke asked. "You can choose. " you told Luke. "What about... Wish?" he suggested. "Perfect." you smiled, hugging Luke.

Calum- He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the pet store. "What should we get?!" he asked excitedly. You both walked around the pet store and stopped when you came to a tank labeled "chinchilla." There was a cute, small, brown animal hiding behind a wheel. "Calum, we have to get this!" you squealed. "Let's call it... Marcus!" Calum laughed. "Well, then I'm glad we have Marcus!" you smiled.

Michael- "There are so many!" you said in surprise. You and Michael decided that you wanted a pet, and you suggested a bird. "Should we get one that talks?" Michael asked. "That would be cool!" you smiled. You both finally decided on a talking cockatoo. "Let's call it... Sky. " you suggested. "I like it. " Michael nodded, a small smile pulling at his lips.

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