31. You're On Your Period

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Ashton- "Ashton?" you called nervously from the bathroom. Your period had come early, and you were out of supplies. "Yeah?" he asked from outside the bathroom. "Uh.. Can you maybe.. run out and get me some stuff? I, uh, I'm on my period..." you mumbled. "Oh! I- Sure." Ashton said, seeming surprised. "Thanks!" you said.

About 15 minutes later, Ashton was back, holding a bag. You were sitting uncomfortably on the couch, as Ashton held up a box of pads and a box of tampons. "I called my mum and asked her what was best, and she just said get both... And chocolate." Ashton blushed, removing a box of chocolate from the bag. "Thanks, Ash." you said, grabbing the boxes from his, and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Luke- You were sprawled out on the couch clutching your lower abdomen in pain. You had just texted Luke asking him to come over.

25 minutes later, Luke was walking into your house. "That time of the month?" Luke asked awkwardly, holding a bag in his hands. "How'd you guess?" you responded weakly. He dumped the bag on your coffee table and movies, cramp medicine, chocolate, and ice cream spilled out. "How did I get so lucky as to have the best boyfriend ever?" you asked, smiling. Luke blushed, and gave you a kiss on the cheek. After taking the medicine, you and Luke spent the day watching movies, cuddled up against each other.

Calum- "C'mon Y/N, let's go to the water park!" Calum whined, knocking on the bathroom door. You and Calum had made plans a few weeks ago to go to the water park on his day off, but you had just encountered a problem. "Calum... I don't think today is the best day." you mumbled. "Why? Did- Oh..." he said, realizing what was going on. You walked out of the bathroom and gave Calum a hug. "Sorry Cal." you frowned, whispering in his ear during the hug. "It's okay, babe. As long as we can cuddle." he grinned, kissing your cheek.

Michael- "Hey Y/N, I can totally beat you in this game!" Michael said excitedly, placing a controller next to you. You had stayed over Michael's last night, and when you woke up, you knew it was that time of the month. Now, Michael was playing video games and you were laying in bed. "Mikey,
I don't feel well." you mumble. Michael frowned, and put down his controller. He placed a soft kiss on your lips. "I'll get you whatever you need, babe." he said, kissing you again.

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