14. Singing In The Car

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Ashton- You and Ashton were on your way to lunch, when "We Can't Stop" comes on the radio. "Y/N it's the song!!" Ashton smiled. Ashton took the first verse and you joined up at the chorus. You took the second and you both sang the rest together. "We should just get a CD of this song!" you laughed when the song ended.

Luke- You and Luke were in the car on the way to the studio, both absolutely exhausted. He turned on the radio, and "Still Into You" by Paramore was on. "Luke!!" you squealed, turning up the radio. He smiled and you both stayed singing. "I should be over all the butterflies, I'm into you!" you both sang in unison. The song ended, and you both erupted into laugher, finally awake.

Calum- You and Cal were in the car on the way to Ashton's house, when "Dark Horse" came on the radio. You and Calum both looked at each other and started to loudly sing and dance. You laughed as Calum rapped. You clapped when he finished.

Michael- You and Michael were on the way to Luke's place, when the song "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark" came on the car radio. "Light 'em up up up, light 'em up up up!" you and Michael sang at the top of your lungs. "ON FIRE!" you both sang even louder. By the time the song was over, you were both laughing and smiling like crazy.


A/N : sorry guys this one wasn't great, but im working on more!

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