23. Bad Breakup

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Ashton- "Come on Y/N, we're going to get your mind off of him." you best friend Ashton said standing in your doorway. Your boyfriend on 2 years had just broken up with you and you were so upset. "No Ashton! I'm in sweats and I look like a mess!" you whined, wiping your tears. "Just put on something and let's go!" Ashton grinned at you. "You don't understand..." you mumbled. "Please Y/N, I wanna help you get over him!" Ashton said. You shook your head and more tears fell down your face. Ashton pulled you in for a hug, and whispered, "Please?" You sighed, and finally gave in. You stuck on leggings and a sweater and followed Ashton out the door. Ashton took you out to an arcade type place, and managed to get your mind off of your ex boyfriend.

Luke- "Be over in 5." your best friend Luke said hanging up the phone. Your boyfriend of 2 1/2 years had just broken up with you and you were heart broken. 5 minutes later, Luke showed up at your door with a bag. "Y/N!" Luke said giving you a huge hug. "Thank Luke." you smiled uneasily, wiping your tears. "I brought some stuff..." Luke grinned opening the bag. He pulled out 2 pints of ice cream and a handful of movies. A small smile tugged at your lips, and you flopped down on the couch grabbing a blanket. Luke popped in a movie and sat down next to you. You grabbed a tissue and blew your nose. You had been crying for the past 3 hours. Luke put his arm around you and whispered in your ear, "I'm always here for you Y/N. Never forget that."

Calum- "Cal!" you leaped into his arms as he showed up at the door. "Y/N!" your friend Calum said returning the hug. "I'm so sorry. " he said as the hug broke. Your boyfriend of 1 year had just cheated on you and you immediately called your friend Calum in need of some support. You and Calum both took a seat on your couch and you leaned your head on Calum's shoulder. You both sat there for a while in silence, you closing your eyes and Calum playing with your hair. "You know, I never liked him anyway." he said. You shifted your head, not wanting to say anything. "You deserve better. " Calum whispered.

Michael- "Michael, not right now please." you said wiping away your tears. You boyfriend of 2 years had just broken up with you, and now your best friend Michael was standing at your front door wanting to hang out. "No. I want to help you get through this Y/N." Michael said. You shook you head and went to shut the door. "No." Michael said, keeping the door open. You sighed and kept trying to push the door closed. "Y/N stop, I'm not leaving." he shook his head. You groaned and finally let him in. "Michael, really." you sighed. "He just wasn't for you I guess." Michael shrugged embracing you in a hug. "Thanks Mikey." you said, tears still falling.

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