89. Protectiveness (blurb)

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Ashton- I think that Ashton would be really protective of you whether you were in a large crowd or someone had said something about you. He'd tell other people to back off and make sure that you were alright.

Calum- I think Calum would be really defensive and protective of you, like he would hold you super close and he definitely wouldn't be shy with telling people to stop and back off.

Luke- I think Luke would give your hand a squeeze before just shaking his head at the people and ignoring them. He'd make sure that you were okay and tell you that he'd always be there to protect you.

Michael- I think Michael would be really protective and if someone insulted you or anything he'd give them this mean look and make sure to give you a huge hug and then he'd lead you away from the negativity, thinking that it would protect you from it.

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