79. He Asks You To Move In With Him

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Ashton- "So when are you and Y/N gonna move in together? She practically lives at your house anyway." you heard Calum say. The other boys were over Ashton's house for a movie night, and were sitting in the living room while you were making popcorn in the kitchen. You felt your cheeks heat up due to Calum's question. "I don't know... I'm not sure she'd want to." Ashton shrugged. You smiled to yourself, and grabbed the bowl of hot popcorn. You walked into the living room and took a seat on Ashton's lap. "I'd love to." you said softly, pecking his cheek. "You heard that?" he blushed, taking a handful of popcorn. You giggled and nodded. "Well I'm glad that we're moving in together." Ashton grinned cheekily, pecking your lips.

Luke- "Good morning sunshine." he said sleepily as you opened your eyes. "Morning." you replied, pecking his cheek. "This is like the 5th night in a row you've stayed over." Luke mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist. You felt your heart drop a little. "Do you not want me to?" you asked sadly, escaping his arms. "No! That's not what I meant!" Luke said quickly, his eyes widening. "Then what did you mean?" you asked, looking up at him. "I mean I want you to stay every night." he mumbled shyly, looking down at his pillow. You felt your cheeks heat up and you looked down. "Will you move in with me Y/N?" he asked nervously, bringing his gaze back to you. "Of course." you smiled, pecking his cheek. "Yay." he grinned, wrapping his arms back around you.

Calum- You heard your door bell ring and ran to get it. "Hey Y/N!" Calum grinned, standing at your doorstep with his hands behind his back. "Hey!" you smiled, pecking his cheek, gesturing him to come in. He just shook his head. "Actually, I have something for you." Calum grinned. He smirked at the confused look on your face. He takes his hands out from behind his back, and holds out a big box. "What's this for?" you asked, raising your eyebrows. "For your stuff of course!" Calum smiled. "For my stuff...?" you asked, still confused. "Read the inside." he said. He tilted the box so that you could see. On the inside, "move in with me?" was written in big black letters. "Yes!" you squealed, wrapping your arms around Calum's neck. "I was hoping you'd say that." he said, his head buried in your shoulder. You let out a giggle and pecked his cheek. "Let's start packing." he grinned, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside.

Michael- "Hey Michael, have you seen my gray skirt? I thought I put it in your top drawer, but it's not there." you said, walking into Michael living room, where he was sitting on the couch. "I think you took it to your house to wash." Michael said quietly. "Oh yeah." you blushed, sitting next to Michael. He scooted to the other side of the couch. He never usually did that. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" you asked, concerned. "No! No, I just...I'm nervous." Michael sighed. "Nervous about what?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. "I guess I'll just ask you now...I was gonna wait until dinner tomorrow, but it's okay." Michael said nervously, looking down at his hands. "What is it?" you asked eagerly. "Will you move in with me?" he blurted out quickly. "Yes!" you grinned, as he looked up at you. "Really?" he asked, surprise filling his emerald eyes. "Of course? Why wouldn't I?" you asked. "I don't know... I'm messy, I'm busy with the band a lot,
and I don't know..." he shrugged, looking down again. "Well now I can be with you more!" you smiled, pecking his cheek. "Yeah, and you can wash your clothes here." he laughed, looking up at you.

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