54. He's Jealous Of Your Celebrity Crush

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A/N: i know that i wrote a celebrity crush one before, but this'll be different

Ashton- "Josh Hutcherson is so hot." you mumbled as he appeared on the TV screen. You and Ashton were watching The Hunger Games, and you were happy because Josh Hutcherson, your celebrity crush was in it. Ashton grunted, slightly nudging you. "What?" you asked with a confused look. "Nothing." he mumbled, looking down. "Are you jealous of Josh Hutcherson?" you asked. The look on his face gave it away, and you started laughing. "What?" he asked, with a puzzled look on his face. You couldn't stop laughing at his confused, jealous face. "You're jealous." you said between laughs. "Well yeah...." he muttered, standing up from the couch. "No, Ash!" you whined, grabbing his hand. "Go find Josh Hutcherson instead." he mumbled, starting to walk away. You jumped off of the couch, and wrapped your hands around his waist. "No." you mumbled into his back. He peeled you off of him, and turned back to you. "Do you like him more than me?" Ashton asked. "No! Of course not, Ashton! He's just a celebrity crush!" you laughed. "Prove it." he growled. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and leaned close to him, sharing a passionate kiss.

Luke- "Sshh, Luke, Zac Efron is in this movie!" you said, covering Luke's mouth with your hand. Zac Efron had been your celebrity crush ever since High School Musical came out when you were younger. Luke rolled his eyes, and removed your hand. "What do you see in him anyways?" Luke muttered, turning away from you. You bit your bottom lip, trying to keep yourself from laughing. "You're so cute when you're jealous." you giggled, pecking his cheek. He mumbled something, but didn't turn back around. "Luuuuke!" you whined, leaning on his arm. He still didn't respond. "I like you way more than Zac Efron, Luke." you giggled. "Really?" he asked, turning back to you. "Of course!" you giggled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He smiled, and pulled you in for another kiss.

Calum- You were on your laptop looking at pictures of Dylan O'Brien, your celebrity crush, when Calum walked in the room. "What'cha doing?" he asked, plopping down on the couch next to you. He glanced at the screen, answering his own question. "Oh." he mumbled. You looked at his jealous face, and decided that it would be funny to see how much more jealous he'd get. "Yeah. He has such an attractive face." you said, looking at Calum through the corner of your eye. You saw him tense up a bit. "Don't I?" he asked, sounding a little annoyed. "Yeah, I guess. His abs are amazing." you smirked. Calum scowled at you, before looking at the picture you had clicked on of Dylan shirtless. "Mine are better than his..." Calum said, a small smirk pulling at his lips. He pulled his gray shirt over his head, revealing his gorgeous torso. You bit down on your lip, trying to keep from staring. "I bet Dylan would be really good at-" you began to say, before Calum slammed your laptop screen shut, and pinned your arms above your head. "You wanna finish?" he growled. You looked down at his lips, then up into his deep brown eyes that seemed to be filled with lust. "Nope." you mumbled, before closing the gap between your lips.

Michael- "Let's watch Perks Of Being A Wallflower." you suggested, excitedly. "No. You only wanna watch that because of Logan Lerman." Michael mumbled, tossing the movie aside. You blushed because you knew it was true- Logan Lerman had been your celebrity crush for a long time, and you loved to watch anything he was in. "Yeah, but it's a good movie!" you whined, resting your head on Michael's shoulder. He just shook you off. "I don't like how much you obsess over him... It makes me think you like him more than me." Michael mumbled- So he was jealous. "Mikey! Don't be jealous of Logan Lerman! He's just a celebrity crush! I love you, not him, not anyone else." you said softly to Michael. He looked up into your eyes, and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Love you too." he mumbled, before pressing his lips to yours.

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