55. Airplane

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Ashton- You smiled at your boyfriend in the seat next you as he drummed quietly with his fingers to the tune of whatever song he was listening to. You giggled at his facial expressions, and he took his headphones off. "What's so funny?" he asked, smiling down at you. "You." you grinned. He just smiled and went back to drumming and listening to music. A few minutes later, you began to drum with him, earning giggles from the both of you.

Luke- "It's gorgeous." you said in awe, gazing out of the small airplane window. "Like you." Luke grinned cheekily, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You rolled your eyes with a smile, resting your head on Luke's arm. You were tired, and the flight wouldn't land for another 5 hours. You closed your eyes, your head still comfortable on Luke's arm, and drifted off to sleep. The last thing you heard was a familiar voice whisper "I love you."

Calum- "Okay, now you try." you said to your boyfriend Calum who was currently sitting next to you on the airplane. You had both gotten a bunch of bags of peanuts and pretzels when they came around, and were throwing them at each other to see if you could catch it in your mouths. He grinned, and opened his mouth. You tossed a peanut up into the air, and he caught it on his first try. You both erupted into laugher, causing a chorus of "Ssshhh" from the people around you.

Michael- "No!" you gasped, as the main character got shot. You buried your head in Michael's shoulder. "Y/N, that parts done." he said. You could tell he was rolling his eyes. You and Michael were on an airplane on the way to Sydney, Australia. You were both currently watching a movie on your laptop sharing a pair of earbuds. Michael had chosen an action movie, and you hesitantly agreed. You took your head off of Michael's shoulder and sighed, leaning back onto your seat. Michael smiled, and pecked your cheek. "I love you, but you've got to get over your fear of these action movies." he said.

A/N: thank you guys for over 50k!! remember to read vote and comment! you can also comment a request for a preference if you want to!

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