20. Ditching School

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Ashton- "Eh, it's only gym." you shrug, hopping into your boyfriend Ashton's car. He was a year older than you, so he was already out of school, while you were in your last year. "Well what do you wanna do?" he asked, starting the car. "Anything other than gym." you smiled. "I have an idea. " Ashton grinned. He turned on the radio and turned it up to the highest volume it could go. He rolled down the windows, and started to drive. "SING!!" he shouts over the loud music. You laugh and start to sing.

Luke- "So wait, have you actually, seriously never skipped school?" your boyfriend Luke asked in disbelief. "Nope, never. " you shake your head. "It'll be fine, I doubt the teachers even notice." he shrugged. "Okay, but I better not get in trouble for this. " you said. "I'll take the blame if anything happens, don't worry." Luke said, giving you a tight hug. "Thanks." you smile shyly. "Come on, let's go do stuff." Luke said. "Like what? I don't know much about this whole
ditching school stuff." you said. "I don't know, maybe walk around, talk a little." he said taking your hand. You both walked away from the school ground and ended up at your old childhood playground. You spent the whole afternoon talking, laughing, and smiling.

Calum- You looked down at your phone to see a text from your boyfriend Calum. "starbucks at 1:40?" You texted back a yes, and glanced at the clock in your math teachers room. It was currently 1:29, and class ended at 1:34. The minute the bell rang, you snuck out the door and texted Calum "be there in 5." You had to walk a but to get to Starbucks, but managed to get there by 1:40. Your face lit up as you walked in and saw Calum. "Cal!" you said as you ran over to him. "Hey babe!" he smiled, giving you a hug. You both ordered your drinks and sat down at a table. "So how's school?" Calum asked. "Ugh, terrible. I'd so much rather be here than in science class!" you groaned.

Michael- "save me, please." you texted your boyfriend Michael from history class. "be there in 10." he texted back. Soon enough, you were out of school, and in Michael's car. "So history was just that boring?" he asked smiling. "Yeah. " you rolled your eyes. "Well I'm glad I could save you from it." Michael said, giving you a light kiss on the cheek. "Can we just chill at home for a while? Play a little FIFA?" you asked Michael. "This is why I love you." he laughed, starting the car.


A/N : the Calum one is dedicated to mesmerizinghood :)

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