30. He Gets Jealous When One Of The Other Boys Flirts With You

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Ashton- You walk into the studio to see your boyfriend Ashton and the rest of the band. You see Ashton recording, and flash him a smile. He gives a slight wave from behind the glass. You lean against the wall, and watch Ashton sing, until Michael walks over to you. "Hey Y/N!" he smiled. "Hi!" you grin at him. "So, how do you think the album is coming so far?" he asked, leaning next to you. "Really good!" you tell him. "Great, thanks!" he grinned, moving closer to you. You nod. "We all really appreciate your support." he said, slightly grinning. "You guys are great!" you smiled. Michael moves even closer, and opens his mouth to speak again, but the slamming of a door interrupts. "Uh... Hi!" Ashton said awkwardly, walking up next to you. Michael realized how close he was to you and moved back a bit. "I...I'm gonna go." Michael mumbled, walking over to the other boys. Ashton put his arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. "Ash... Were you jealous?" you asked, looking up at him. "Kind of." he muttered. "Don't be! I love you, only you." you smiled, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.

Luke- You and your boyfriend Luke were at a party with the other boys. "I'll go get us some drinks babe." Luke said, giving you a quick kiss before walking off to get drinks. You stood by the staircase of the house, waiting for Luke to get back. "Hey Y/N!" Calum grinned, walking up to you. "Hey Cal!" you smiled at him. "You look great!" he winked, stepping closer to you. "Uh, thanks." you mumbled. He switched the hand that his drink was in, and put one around your waist. "Calum, I don't-" you began to say, as he cut you off. "I've always thought you were really hot y'know." he whispered into your ear. "Calum, stop!" you hissed, pulling away from his arm. "Calum, go away!" Luke growled as he walked back with two cups and saw what was happening. "I was just-" Calum said before Luke cut him off. "Stop flirting with Y/N!" Luke shouted. Calum held up his hands and turned the other way. "Did you flirt back?" Luke asked you crossly. "No, Luke, of course not! Don't be jealous! I love you, and only you." you reassure him. A look of relief washes over his face as you give him a peck on the cheek.

Calum- You, your boyfriend Calum, and the rest of the band was at the club for the night. "Be right back, babe." Calum told you, walking over to the bathrooms. You stand where you were, and wait for Calum to come back, until your favorite song came on. You sway a bit to the beat, before feeling a hand on your waist. "Hey Y/N." you hear Ashton say. You remove his hand and turn to face him. "Oh, hi, Ashton!" you smiled. "You look really good when you dance.." Ashton smirked, slurring a few words. "Uh, thanks. I think I'm just gonna stop dancing until Calum gets back." you mumbled. Ashton moves closer to you and starts to dance. "No, Ashton, seriously." you said, pushing him away. "Y/N!" you hear Calum's voice say. Ashton continues to dance close to you, and keeps calling you gorgeous. "Ashton, stop it!" Calum growls, shoving him away from you. Ashton just shrugged, and walked away. "Was he flirting with you!? He better not've been, because if he was I-" Calum started to say, when you cut him off. "Calum, he was flirting with me, but it's fine. Don't be jealous, babe. I like you, not Ashton." you tell him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

Michael- You, your boyfriend Michael, and the rest of the band, were over Michael's just to hang out. You were all talking on the couch, when Michael went to bring in the pizza. "I've always thought you were really pretty, Y/N..." Luke blushed. "Oh, uh, thanks, Luke." you tell him. "You're also really funny!" Luke smiled. "Ha ha. I'm really not!" you said. "Yes you are! Remember that one joke about the cat! That had me laughing for days!" he laughs. The thought of the joke made you burst into a fit of laugher, causing you to lean on Luke. "Guys, I- Oh." Michael comes in the doorway with the pizza box in his hands. You see him quickly walk away, and hear the pizza box drop onto a table. "I'm gonna go check on him." you said, standing up. You go upstairs to Michael's room and see him sitting sadly on his bed. "Michael, what's wrong?" you asked, sitting down next to him. "I heard Luke flirting with you, and then you were leaning on him, and... I don't know...." Michael mumbled, looking down at his lap. "Michael... Are you jealous?" you asked him. "No... I.... Yes." he muttered. "I love you Michael Clifford. Not Luke, not anyone else." you tell him, pressing a long kiss to his lips.


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