32. 7 Minutes In Heaven

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Ashton- You were over Ashton's house with the rest of the boys, and Michael had suggested 7 minutes in heaven, even though you were the only
girl. Michael held out a hat in front of you, and you reached your hand in. You were hoping to get Ashton, since you've liked him for the longest time. You closed your eyes, and pulled out an item. "Ashton's phone!" Michael said, as you held up the item. You got up, and Michael pushed you and Ashton toward the closet. "Have fun!" Calum shouted as Michael slammed the door shut. "Hi..." you mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact with him, even in the dark room. "Y/N, I like you." Ashton said quietly. "What?" you asked, thinking you didn't hear him right. "I'm sorry, I knew you wouldn't like me back..." Ashton mumbled. "No! Ashton, I've liked you for years!" you smiled. "You do?" he asked hopefully. You brought your lips to kiss for a passionate kiss, hoping he would take that as a yes.

Luke- "Pick one, Y/N!" Calum whined, holding out a bag in front of you. You were at his house, along with the other boys, including Luke, your long time crush. You closed your eyes and fished around, pulling out a stuffed animal penguin. You could've sworn you've heard Luke whisper a 'yes' to himself. "Go 'head!" Ashton smirked, shoving you and Luke inside the small, dark closet. "Y/N?" you heard Luke's voice ask. "Yeah?" you responded. "I... I really like you." he whispered. You were shocked, and kind of speechless- How could your long time crush actually like you back? "I like you too, Luke. I have for a while actually." you smiled, blushing. The next thing you knew, you were pressed up against the closet wall, and Luke's lips were attached to yours.

Calum- You and the rest of the boys were at Calum's house. You and Calum were best friends, so he always invited you to these kind of things. "Let's play 7 minutes in heaven!" Luke suggested, smirking at Calum. "Okay!" you grinned. Michael collected everyone's phone, and put it in a bag. He held it out in front of you, and you pulled out one of the phones. "Oh look, it's Calum's!" Michael said quickly, grabbing the phone from you. Ashton pushed you and Calum into the small closet together. "Have fun, guys!" Luke shouted. "Get it, Cal!" Michael yelled, before slamming the door shut. "Well, hey Cal." you grinned at him in the dark. "Y/N, I know we're best friends, but I think I like you. Like, really like you..." Calum said, wrapping an arm around your waist. You had never really thought about it before, but didn't argue as Calum brought his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. "Go Calum!" you heard Ashton's voice shout. You and Calum broke apart, and Calum glared at the door. "Sorry..." he mumbled. "For what?" you asked. "I don't know... The kiss? My pushy friends..." he frowned. "Don't be." you smiled, bringing your lips back to his.

Michael- You were over at Luke's house, along with the rest of the boys. Ashton suggested 7 minutes in heaven, and you all gladly agree, except Michael seemed a bit hesitant. "Are you sure you wanna, Y/N?" he asked. "Yes!" you grin. Ashton comes over with a hat full of items from everyone, and tells you to pick. You close your eyes, and pulled out Michael's car keys. Michael's face went bright red as Luke shoved you two in the closet. "Should we play a trick on them?" you whisper, smirking. Michael nodded. You pounded on the door, and Michael yelled your name. You were both holding back giggles the whole time. You could hear the other boys talking and laughing. "One more minute!" Calum called. "Oh, and one more thing..." you said to Michael. You leaned in a gave him a peck on the lips.

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