81. Your Child Is Dating Another Member's Child

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requested by MashtoningNarry

Ashton- "What would you guys do if I got a girlfriend?" your 12 year old son asked nervously as he stared down at his plate. "Why?" Ashton asked, raising his eyebrows. "I-I have a girlfriend." he blushed. "Really? What's her name?" you asked excitedly. "Addison Hemmings." he blushed even more, finally looking up. "Hemmings? As in Uncle Luke's kid?" Ashton asked him. He nodded slowly. "That's great! I've gotta call him and tell him the news!" Ashton spoke eagerly.

Luke- "Mommy, daddy, I have a boyfriend!" your 4 year old daughter squealed as she walked through the front door. "Really sweetie?" Luke asked, grinning at his small daughter's smiling face. "Tell us about him!" you said as Luke pulled her into his lap. "He gave me a flower and said I was pretty! His name is Max." your daughter giggled. "Hood? Uncle Cal's son?" Luke asked, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. She nodded happily, causing you and Luke to laugh.

Calum- "Yeah, see you tonight. Bye!" your 16 year old daughter said into her phone. "Who will you be seeing tonight?" Calum asked as he walked into the room. "My boyfriend." she shrugged. "You have a boyfriend? And you didn't tell us about him?" Calum asked, beginning to get angry. "Yeah. Hunter Clifford." she said, trying to hide the smile forming on her face. "Uncle Mikey's kid? He's trouble! I don't know if I want you dating him..." Calum growled, pacing back and forth. "Cal, it's okay." you assured him, walking into the room after hearing everything. "Fine." he sighed defeatedly, but soon became happy because of the grin on his daughter's face.

Michael- "Okay, so you like Uncle Ashton's daughter?" Michael kneeled down and asked his 9 year old son. He nodded shyly, and glanced over at her. "Go up to her and ask her if she has a bandaid. And then tell her that you need one because you scraped your knee falling for her." Michael instructed him. Your son nodded, and ran over to Ashton's daughter. "Did you really just teach our son a pickup line?" you asked, rolling your eyes. "I think so." Michael chuckled, as Ashton walked over to you two. "So it looks like our kids our dating now." he laughed, looking over at the two 9 year olds. "Young love." Michael grinned, proud of his son's confidence.

A/N: any requests?
working on some that were requested before, so don't worry!

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