77. Song Preference (A Daydream Away)

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Song Preference- "A Daydream Away" - All Time Low

his pov

Ashton- "I wish you could see your face right now/ 'Cause you're grinning like a fool"

My ears perked up at the mention of her name. I looked up at the tall blonde woman that was interviewing us, and she stared straight back at me. "What about Y/N?" I asked eagerly. "I just said tell me a bit about her." the woman said with smile. "I've been with Y/N for about 8 months... Well 8 months, 2 days, 28 minutes to be exact, and they've been some of the best months of my life. Y/N is definitely one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Being on tour away from her is so hard, but we're trying to make it work. I love her too much to let distance affect us." I rambled on. That was until I realized what I had said. That was the first time I told her that I loved her, and it was during a live TV interview! She must be smiling so much right now... I miss that smile, and I wish that I could see her face.

his pov

Luke- "And we're sitting on your kitchen floor/ On a Tuesday afternoon"

"Okay, okay, so would you rather travel around the world and be alone, or stay in this town, but have people with you?" she asked, taking a bite of the pizza that was in the box in front of us. It was a Tuesday afternoon, and we were sitting on her kitchen floor, talking about anything and everything. "Stay here with people with me." I answered easily. I couldn't live without her with me- I love her. But she doesn't know that, since she's my best friend, and I'm sure she only sees me as that. "Okay, now ask me." she said. "Would you rather get to go to a concert, but never hear their music again after that, or listen to someone's music, but never get to see them live?" I asked, taking a bite of my pizza. "Good one, Hemmings! That's hard though." she said, her expression quickly turning from a grin to a thinking look. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. She looked absolutely adorable. "Do you want another question?" I asked her. "No, no, I got this." she mumbled, burying her head in her hands. "Y/N, really, I can ask another." I laughed. "No, I got this!" she shouted confidently, slamming her hand down on the top of the pizza box. I laughed, and watched her continue to think. "I have a better idea." I mumbled, grabbing my phone and connecting it to the speakers that were sitting behind me. I put it on shuffle, and A Daydream Away began blasting through the speakers. Her lips tugged up into a smile, and she jumped up from the floor, and grabbed my hands, leading me slowly across the kitchen floor. "I can't dance." she groaned, laughing. "It's okay." I laughed, watching her dance carelessly. I watched as her hair flew around, and how she kept clumsily tripping over her own feet. That's the moment that I realized that I might be in love with my best friend.

not his pov

Calum- "I would drink a little too much/ You'd offer me a ride/ And I would offer you a t-shirt/ And you would stay another night"

"Calum, let's go." you said, dragging him tiredly out the door. He mumbled something that you couldn't quite understand, but stumbled along as you pulled him. "I'm taking you home because you clearly can't drive." you rolled your eyes as you opened the door for him. He stumbled in and slammed the door shut behind him. You got in the drivers seat, and began to drive to his house, the place where you spent a lot of your time, since Calum was your best friend. "Thanks Y/N." he slurred, resting his head against the window. "It's what I'm here for." you sighed, glancing over at Calum. You arrived at his house, and got out the house key he had given you. "C'mon." you mumbled, helping him into his room. He flopped down on the bed, and his eyes began to droop. You turned towards the door, when you felt a hand around your wrist. "Stay." Calum whispered, bringing you back closer to him. "Cal..." you shook your head, trying to free tour wrist. "Please." he mumbled desperately, that famous pout forming on his face. "Fine. But I'm not sleeping in this dress." you sighed, gesturing down to the tight black dress that you were wearing. Calum lifted his gray t-shirt off of his head and held it out to you. You blushed upon seeing his toned chest, but grabbed the t-shirt and headed to the bathroom to change. When you walked out, you saw Calum's eyes half closed. "Here." he mumbled, patting the bed next to him. "I can just go on your couch, it's fine." you said, your hand on the door knob. "Y/N, c'mon." Calum groaned, his voice muffled by the pillow. You sighed, climbing into the bed next to him. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. You rested your head against his bare chest, and fell asleep thinking that you might be in love with your best friend.

his pov

Michael- "You're just a daydream away/ I wouldn't know what to say if I had you"

I stared at her laughing, brushing the stray strands of hair out of her face. She smiled, tucking them behind her ear. I wish I could be able to do that to her, and she wouldn't think it was weird. I mean, it wouldn't really be normal for best friends to do that. "Mikey, you okay?" she giggled, waving her hand in front of my face. "Y-yeah." I mumbled, looking down. There are so many things that I would say if she was mine... But I can't really put them into words. "Earth to Michael!" she laughed, poking my cheek, stretching the last syllable of my name. I blushed and looked down at my hands. "What were you daydreaming about?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm just tired." I lied, shaking my head.

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