48. PDA

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A/N: this is more of a blurb about how he is with PDA

Ashton- I think that Ashton would be pretty big on PDA. He would always be pressing kisses on your cheeks and your forehead, and occasionally kiss you on the lips, never getting too heated.

Luke- I think that being shy, Luke wouldn't like to show too much PDA. He'd always be holding your hand or having his arm around your waist (he'd make sure never to have his hand drop too low!). He would sometimes give you small pecks on the cheeks or the lips, but nothing too much.

Calum- I feel like Calum would be the biggest on PDA. He would always have to be touching you somehow, whether it was an arm around your waist, or his lips on your forehead. He wouldn't be afraid to full on kiss you in public, but you would get used to it.

Michael- I think that PDA would depend on Michael's mood. If it was just a normal day he would mostly stick to just hand holding and sometimes a peck on the cheek, but when he wanted to we would wrap his arm around your waist and peck your lips, but overall, he wouldn't be huge on PDA.

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