19. Movie Theater

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Ashton- You and Ashton walk into the packed theater, holding your popcorn and drink. "Maybe we should-" you begin to say, when Ashton cuts you off. "There's a seat!" he points to the very front row. "Is that the only open seat?" you sigh. He nodded, grabbing your hand and pulling you along. You both take a seat as the previews begin. "This hurts my neck." you whisper, frowning. "You can lean on my shoulder." he grinned. You smiled and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder.

Luke- "To the back!" Luke smiled as you walked into the theater. You both walked up the stairs with your popcorn and drinks and took a seat in the back row. "Remind me again, why do we always sit in the back?" you asked. "Because no one will notice if I do this." Luke grinned, leaning in and planting a kiss on your lips.

Calum- "Ah!" you shrieked, burying your face in Calum's shirt. "Babe, it's okay!" he whispered into your ear. He had dragged you along to see a horror movie. "Calum, I told you, we should've seen that comedy instead!" you whine quietly. "Its okay Y/N, if you don't wanna look, just cover your eyes! Don't worry, I got you." he grinned, wrapping his arms around you

Michael- You, Michael, and your 6 boxes of candy took a seat in the middle of the theater. "This one first!" you whisper, pointing to one of the boxes. "Okay!" Michael responded, opening it. You reached your hand in and took a few. "Next!" you grin, pointing to another. You two basically payed more attention to the candy than to the actual movie.

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