13. Love Bite

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Ashton- You walk into school, wearing a hoodie and leggings. You had to get ready fast because you stayed over at your boyfriend Ashton's last night. You sat down at your desk in homeroom, when your friend walked over to you. "Y/N?" she asked. "Yeah?" you asked. "I guess you stayed over Ashton's last night, huh?" she asked, with a small smirk on her face. "How did you...." you start, then bring your hand up to your neck. You felt a small bump. You blushed, and brought your sweatshirt higher up on your neck.

Luke- You walked out of Luke's room in one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. You had stayed over with him last night, as you had many times before. You made yourself some coffee, and sat down at the table. You suddenly heard a knock on the door and went to open it. "Hi Y/N!" Ashton said as you opened the door. "Hey guys, come on in. " you said. They all walked in and sat down on the couch. You saw Calum glance at you, then whisper to the other boys. They all started laughing. "What?" you asked, confused. "Looks like you and Luke had some
fun last night. " Calum laughed, eyeing your neck. You raised your hand to where they were looking and felt
a bump. You smirked and said "Yeah. We did. "

Calum- "Cal, wake up, we have to get to the studio." you whispered into his ear. You had stayed over last night, and had just woken up. "But I don't wanna!" he whined, shifting in the bed. You stood
up and grabbed his hand, and tried pulling him up. "Ughh." he groaned. You laughed and kept trying. "Fine, fine Y/N." he said and rolled out of bed. You both got changed and ready, then got into the car. When you pulled up to the studio Calum looked over at you. "Uh, Y/N... Did you look in the mirror this morning?" he asked. "Well thanks Cal, that's what every girl wants to hear. " you said, a little annoyed. "No! I mean... your neck. " he said. You brought your hand up to it and felt
a bump. "Oh. Well it was worth it. " you smirked and looked over at him. He winked, but handed you a scarf from the trunk to cover it up. "Why do you have this in your car?" you asked. "My aunt knitted it for me. " he said. You wrapped it around your neck and walked into the studio. "Nice scarf Y/N!" Luke laughed when he saw you. "What are you hiding?" Michael raised his eyebrows. "Stop guys. " Calum said. You didn't notice as Ashton came up behind you and pulled the scarf off. "Ashton!" Calum growled. "That's why.." Luke said as he looked at your neck.

Michael- "Morning babe. " Michael said in his morning voice. "Morning. " you replied. "We have a brunch with my parents today, so let's get ready. " he said and rolled out of bed. You both got ready, then into the car. You two sang along to the radio until you got to Michael's parents' house. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Clifford!" you said following Michael into the house. "Hi Y/N, how are you!?" Mrs. Clifford asked. "Great, you?" you asked. "Good. " she smiled. "Have a seat everyone, let me just get the food out." Mr. Clifford said. You took a seat next to Michael. Mr. Clifford brought out the food, and you all dug in. "This is so good!" you smiled. "Thank you!" Mrs. Clifford said looking at you. Her face went from a smile to a confused, almost disturbed look. As soon as you were all finished, Michael's parents started cleaning up and it was just you and him sitting at the table. "Y/N, um, I, uh, guess I left something on your neck from last night, and I think my parents might've noticed..." Michael whispered into your ear. Your face turned a light pink, and you brought your hand up to feel your neck. "It was there the whole time!? Oh my gosh, what will they think of me now!?" you panicked to Michael. "It's ok Y/N, don't worry!" Michael kissed your cheek to calm you down.

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