28. Twitcam

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Ashton- "Okay, so me and Y/N went to the costume store before this, so we're gonna try them on for you guys!" Ashton grinned. Ashton had asked you to be in a twitcam with him, and you happily agreed. "I'll get in the first one!" Ashton said quickly, standing up from your spot on the couch. He walked over to the table filled with costumes, and chose a superman one. "Oh, you guys are gonna like this first one." you giggled, watching Ashton unzip the bag to the costume. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, and you got a bit distracted by Ashton's bare chest. "Later." he mouthed, and winked at you. Your cheeks heated up, and you looked back at the camera. "He's almost ready." you tell the viewers. Ashton walks back in front of the camera in his costume. "I'm Superman, guys!" Ashton said excitedly. You laughed at his excitement. "Now it's
time for Y/N to get in a costume!" he grinned. He gave you a big hug, as an excuse to tell you something without anyone hearing. "Get in the cop one I got for you." he whispered. "What cop one?" you asked. "I got it for you secretly. I knew you wouldn't let me get it if you saw it." Ashton whispered back. "Oh boy." you sighed, pulling apart from the hug. You walked over to the table and picked up the bag labeled "Sexy Cop." "Ashton!!" you squealed. He just grinned, and faced his attention back to the camera. You hesitantly stripped out of your old t-shirt, and into the black crop top with a badge on it. Ashton looked over at you with a slight smirk on his face. You stuck your tongue out at him, and he just laughed.
You put on the short black spandex bottoms, and the small hat that came
with the costume. "Okay, I'm ready..." you said. "Y/N looks very good." Ashton said, smirking. You walked forward and into the view of the camera. Your cheeks were a bright red, as Ashton pulled you onto his lap. "Don't you guys like Y/N's costume?" Ashton asked, that smirk still plastered onto his face. You and Ashton danced around in your costumes, until Ashton pressed his lips to yours. "Bye guys thanks for watching!" Ashton grinned into the camera before shutting it off, and kissing you more passionately. #superman+cop was trending on Twitter.

Luke- "Y/N, can we pleeeease do the 'boyfriend does my makeup' tag?" your boyfriend Luke asked. "Fine. Only because I love you." you responded, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Get your makeup!" he smiled. You got up and grabbed your makeup bag from the bathroom. "I'm a makeup expert." Luke
grinned as you handed it to him. You sat back down next to him as he unzipped the bag. "Close
your eyes, you can't see until it's done So first, we've gotta start with the eyeliner." he said, pulling out a black eyeliner pencil. You tried to hold back a laugh as Luke drew two lines on your face, definitely
not where eyeliner was mean to be. "Now for..." he said, rummaging through the bag, "Mascara." He opened
the cap and applied it somewhere near your eyes. "Now for some blush to really... To really bring out those perfect cheekbones that Y/N has." Luke said, brushing some blush onto your cheeks. "How do I look guys?" you giggled. "You look beautiful, babe." Luke said, kissing your lips- One of
the only spots that there was no makeup on. "What's this bottle?" Luke asked. "It's foundation." you tell him. "What's it for?" he asked. "It's supposed to blend in to your skin and match your skin tone. You just rub it on." you explain to him. "Okay, got it. Now close your eyes!" he smiled. You closed your eyes, and felt the cold liquid on your face. "Per-fect." Luke said. You heard him open the cap to something else. "This color is perfect for Y/N's eyes." Luke murmured, rubbing something else onto your face. "I bet I look gorgeous." you told Luke, smiling. "You always look gorgeous." Luke said, giving your hand a slight squeeze. You felt your cheeks heat up. "Now for this thing... Is this like a weapon or something!?" Luke asked, laughing. You opened an eye and laughed at what you saw your boyfriend holding. "Luke, that's an eyelash curler!" you smiled. "Oh. It still looks like some sort of... Medieval torture device." Luke said, making you laugh. "Okay, maybe you just shouldn't use that!" you said between laughs. Luke agreed, and pulled something else
out of the bag. "Now for the final touch. Pucker up Y/N!" Luke said. You puckered your lips, expecting lipstick or lip gloss, but felt a pair of familiar lips instead. You smiled, kissing your boyfriend back. "Sorry for that... distraction everyone." Luke said to the camera. You laughed, and re-puckered
your lips. This time, you felt lipstick glide messily along your lips. "Shouldn't I be a makeup artist guys?" Luke asked the viewers. "Can I look now?" you asked. "Yes!" Luke laughed. "Oh no, I'm scared..." you said smiling. "Don't worry Y/N, if I love you looking like this, than I must really love you." Luke smiled. "Thanks, that's really reassuring Luke. " you giggled. "Open your eyes in 3,2...1!" Luke said excitedly. You opened your eyes and looked into the mirror that Luke was holding in front of you. "Oh my gosh, Luke!!" you squealed. There was eyeliner on your cheeks, blush near your nose, mascara smeared near your eyebrows, blue eyeshadow under and above your eyes, globs of foundation on your chin, and lipstick all around
you lips. "Do you like it?" he asked, chucking. "Sure." you laughed, giving his a tight hug.
#LukeDoesY/N'sMakeup was trending on Twitter.

Calum- "The boyfriend tag!" you suggest to Calum. He had begged and begged for you to be in his Twitcam, and you had finally agreed. "Okay!" Calum smiled. "First question- What is
your partner's favorite color?" you ask the first question off of the list. "Y/N's favorite color is Y/F/C!" Calum smiled. "Calum's favorite color is blue!" you grinned. He nodded happily, waiting for the next question. "What is your partner's favorite breakfast food?" you asked. "Y/F/B/F!" Calum shouted. "Vegemite." you said. That was an easy one. "Next!" he said excitedly. "Last thing your partner ate?" you asked. "Y/N had some burnt toast that I made her." Calum chuckled. "Calum had a cold slice of pizza." you laughed. "It's not that bad!" Calum interrupted. You giggled, and scrolled down the list for more questions. "None of these are that good... Why don't you guys tweet us questions?" you suggested. "Yeah!" Calum grinned. The tweets started to pour in. "Here's one from @randomtwitteruser! It says 'what is the color of your partner's underwear right now?'" you said. Your cheeks flushed red. "Y/N's wearing a purple thong." Calum smirked. "Cal!" you hissed at him. "What, I was just answering the question!" he winked. "Calum's wearing black and gray boxers." you mumbled. Calum widely grinned. "I'll choose the next one! Okay, from @randomtwitteruser2! I like this one!" Calum smirked. "Oh my gosh, what is it?" you asked curiously. "'What is you're partner's favorite place to be kissed?'" Calum asked, that smirk still plastered onto his face. "Oh..." you said, blushing. "This is Y/N's favorite place to be kissed..." Calum whispered,
moving closer to you. He pressed a light kiss on your upper neck. A chill ran down your spine. You pulled away, not wanting things to get heated in front of this many people. "This is
Cal's." you said. Now it was your turn to smirk. You pressed your lips
to his, and then pulled apart before it
got too passionate. "You tease." he
growled quietly into your ear. You smirked and turned back to the camera. "Thanks for watching guys!" you smiled. "Bye!" Calum waved, then quickly shut off the camera. "So, about your favorite place to be kissed..." he whispered, bringing his lips
back up to your neck.
#Calum+Y/N'sKiss was trending on Twitter.

Michael- "So Y/N and I are gonna play FIFA against each other now. You guys tweet us who you think is gonna
win!" Michael explained to the twitcam viewers. "Winner gets a kiss." you smirked at him. "Fine. It's a win-win." he grinned, grabbing the controllers. He pulled you onto his lap, and started the game. "I'm gonna beat you this time, Clifford!" you told him. Both of
your eyes were glued to the screen. "In your dreams, Y/N!" he smiled, shaking his head. The game went quickly, and Michael ended up winning. You pouted, lowering your bottom lip. "It's okay, babe." he shrugged. "No, I'm not talking to you!" you acted mad. You held back a giggle. "But I need my kiss!" he frowned. You turned back towards him, a smirk on your lips. "Fine." you said, crashing your lips against his. You deepened the kiss making it more passionate. Michael rested his hand on you bum, and you pulled away- That made him frustrated. "I guess that was your
revenge, Y/N." he said, his lips forming into a small frown. "Well, you got your prize, now didn't you!?" I pointed out. "Fine, fine." he scowled. You giggled and turned to face the camera. "Well, bye guys! I actually should've won, but I think Michael cheated! He-" you started to say until he cut you off. "I didn't cheat!" he held up his hands in surrender. "I knoooow." you grinned, rolling your eyes. "Bye guys!" Michael said. You waved to the camera, and shut it off. "Wanna give me the rest of my prize now, babe?" he asked, moving his face closer to yours. "Nah." you smirked.
#MichaelBeatY/N was trending on Twitter.


A/N- wow guys that was a lot longer than i thought! if you like my writing please vote, and also read my other fanfic "Chance"

also read "Change" by mesmerizinghood

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