Chapter 1

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Lifting my head off of the pillow, I slam my hand down on the alarm clock to shut it off. The bright light shone through my curtains, forcing me to open my eyes. I don't want to get up for school. I know that I have to get up before someone wakes me up, somebody like-

"Logan! Get your ass up!" My older brother Lucas yells from the kitchen. Then, right after that my other older brother Liam, twin to Lucas, jumps on me.

"Yo, fat ass, can you get off me?!" I yell, my mouth muffled from the pillows under me.

"Yeah, sure." Liam says getting off me. "By the way you better get up. We leave in 45." He says before leaving my room. Forty-five minutes. Okay. Enough time to take a quick shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast.

I get up and head to my bathroom. I strip, turn on the shower, and get in enjoying the warm water.

When I'm finished in the shower, I head to my closet to look for clothes. I pull out black ripped jeans, a white tank-top with 'California' written in black letters on the front, a black snapback, and my black vans. When I'm done getting dressed, I walk into the kitchen to grab a granola bar and my backpack to head to school.

"Logan, don't forget your lunch, again." Lucas says to me before I run to the car. My eyes widen. I can't believe I almost forgot my lunch. Again.

"Thanks Lucas, I owe you one." I yell back to him while grabbing my stuff. With all my things in my hands, I walked out the house with my brothers and get into their car. We drive for a little until we reach my brother Liam's girlfriend, Rose's, house.

"Hey, Rose," I say as she gets into the car. As she throws her bag onto the seat, she puts her dark brown hair into a bun. When she was done putting her hair up, she leans into the car and smacks her head on the rood. I chuckled, "Dumbass." 

"Hey, Logan. Missed you too." she says back sarcastically. Rose may have been Liam's girlfriend for the past year, but she's been my friend for longer.

As we reach the entrance of Samton High School, Liam moves to pull into a parking spot in the front. Before he can pull in, another car swerves into the spot.

"Yo, buddy we were here first." My brother yells out the window. The kid steps out of the car, and it turns out to be Willem Arrowood  The bad boy of the school.

Just our luck.

He slowly walks over to Liams window, leans an elbow on the side view mirror, and dips his head down to talk to Liam.

My brother sits forward to speak to Willem, and I hear some whispers. The conversation is brief, and before I know it, we're pulling off to find another parking spot.

What the hell?

Never in my life have I seen Liam give into someone so easily. Knowing this, whatever Willem said must have been serious. Turning my body, I looked through the rear window and watched Willem.

He stood still in the same spot, watching the car drive away, with a strange look in his eye. A look of thoughtfulness.

Quickly turning back around, I couldn't help but wonder what words passed between the two of us. Searching for answers, I turned to look at Rose, but saw the same look of confusion on her face.

Looking at me, she shrugged, and started to pick up her bag to start the day. Taking a deep breath, I followed her lead and decided to forget about what had just happened.

By the time fourth period ends, Rose and I are talking about weekend plans by my locker. Lucas and Liam come up to walk with us to lunch, but I decided to stay back, considering there is fifteen minutes before lunch.

I put in my earbuds to listen to music and lean up against my locker while I shuffle between Snapchat and Instagram. I feel a heavy presence in front of me. I look up to find Willem standing there. I raise my eyebrow at him. 

"Can I help you?" I ask him sarcastically.

"I don't know? Can you help me, princess?" He says with a stupid smirk. I cringe at the nickname he gave me.

"Well, I can't help you if you don't tell me what you want." I snap back at him.

"Well you can help me with a lot of things." He says with another smirk. I roll my eyes at his pervertedness. "But I'm trying to get into my new locker so can you move."

I look at the locker number next to me, 112.

"What happened to your old locker." I say to him moving and not really caring.

"Nosy today, aren't we?" He says with another one of his signature smirks.

I rolled my eyes and got my lunch out my locker.

"Well, if you must know, I got into a fight with the kid next to me so the principal moved me again." He says as if  he was the center of the solar system.

"Oh, yeah, heard about that fight. Didn't really care though." I say the last part kinda under my breath. I turned around to put my phone in my locker, when two hands smack on the sides of the adjacent locker.

A hot breath blew across my ear, causing a cold shiver to run up my spine.

"What was that last sentence, Thomas?" He says seductively. My breathe hitches.

"I said I d-didn't r-really care." I say stuttering.

"Well you should, because it was about you." He says, lightly biting on my earlobe. Dropping a paper in my hand, he turned around and strutted down the hall. I looked down at the paper.

'Text me. 555-788-0045.'

Oh God. What the fuck could he possibly want.

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