Chapter 35: Weekend in Vegas Part 3

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Logan's POV

The harsh light of the morning burned through the drapes onto my eyes, waking me from my sleep. I blinked hard in an attempt to adjust my eyes. I felt exhausted. My muscles were sore, thoroughly used from the previous night. I don't think my body has ever felt this sore.

I took notice of the strong arm wrapped around my middle. There was tattooed black ink staring back at me. A snake running from the hand of the middle finger on my chest, curling around the forearm around my waist in a coil. Will's newest tattoo, and a personal favorite of mine. Especially when it's around my neck. That same snaked arm was pulling me into his body as he nuzzled his nose into my hair. He placed a soft kiss on my bare shoulder.

I start turning in his arms, but my muscles strain, almost yelling at me to stop my movement. I continue though, throwing one of my arms over his waist to pull myself closer to him.

"Fuck, I'm sore." I groaned, nuzzling myself into his chest.

He cupped his finger under my chin so I could lock eyes with his piercing blues, "Good, that means I've done my husbandly duties." He spoke before placing a deep kiss on my lips. I could feel his grin against my lips. He places another kiss on my lips before turning onto his back. He pulled me onto his chest making sure the blanket didn't fall from my body.

I giggled. I loved Will's playful attitude. Honestly, I loved how Will was in the mornings. He always had this pure smile as if life wasn't shit right now, and he could just live. Will was in his purest form right now. Like he didn't have a care in the world. Like the world was all in his hands. After tying the knot last night, I don't think I'll ever stop seeing that smile on his face in the morning.

I pat his face at his cheekiness. "Ha. Ha. Just give me some of those meds. I know you have them."

Being a fighter, Will carries a bunch of random pain medication in his duffle for after fights. While the legality of him carrying it around can be heavily debated, Kol had these readily onhand to provide for his brother. Kol most likely deals these, so what was giving his brother a couple bottles for after fight medication. It keeps the RGG fighters out of hospitals and shows that Kol can provide for his gang.

Now, anything at this point from Will's stash could get rid of this nasty hangover and muscle ache. With feigned annoyance, I watched Will lift himself off the bed, so he could reach into his duffle next to the bed, "Val, perc, hydro, oxy. Pick your poison."

I pause, thinking. I didn't know much about drugs let alone pain medication, but the names sounded sort of familiar. With my dad being a physician, I've been around the names of drugs my whole life, even being in the gang long enough has exposed me to the names of many different types of drugs, just not what they do. Fuck it. In this life, there's only one way to live, so fuck it.

"Just give me some of the hydrocodone," I mumbled out with exhaustion, extending my hand out to him. He shrugged his shoulder closest to me before he grabbed the little orange bottle and threw it over to me.

Catching and twisting open the white cap on the bottle, I tossed back two of the pills, hoping it would ease some of the pain. I shouldn't have taken them dry as they scraped my throat going down, but I swallowed them easily enough.

Will cocked a concerned eyebrow, "That's no aspirin, you know?"

He was laying back down on the pillow. Hands behind his head as he watched me with a questioning look. I knew that, but what did he care about? I watched him pop at least three or four of them after a fight before. Plus I've seen him take worse shit, and so have I. I think two small pills will be fine. I shrug, laying down beside him.

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