Chpater 13: Race Night

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Logan's Pov:

I couldn't watch, so I snapped my eyes closed. I couldn't believe what Willem just did. He basically signed his life away, and he was going to hear it from me, if I was ever released from Kol's restraints.

"We have a deal, brother." Those words maybe me cringe once he said them. I slowly open my eyes when I felt Kol's hand return to my body keeping me in place. My eyes immediately locked to Willem's. I took a deep breath to keep all my emotions in check.

"Now that the deal is made Kol, give me Logan back" Willem said his tone very cold. I started to struggle a little against Kol, but all I got was a dark chuckle. I sighed as it was useless.

"You see brother, Logan is a very beautiful girl" Kol pets my face in a creepy way that only makes me shake. I see Willem grit his teeth at his brother's actions. "And I wouldn't mind to have her in my bed. You are very lucky little brother"

"We're not sleeping together." Willems fists ball up, his tell tale sign that he's about to throw a punch.

"Oh but you will be soon. I know you Willem, and you can't keep it in your pants." Kol tilts his head down towards me. "Remember that little story you told me this morning"

I remember, and I regret it.

"Answer me, please, Logan" He says to me like I'm a child.

"I do, now let me go- Now." He smirks at me, and shakes his head. He let's go, however, giving me a little throw towards Willem. He catches me in his arms holding me tightly.

"She's a feisty one, brother. Take good care of her or I will." Willem grits his teeth again, but nods his head reluctantly. We start to move out the door, when Kol decides to speak again. "Oh and Willem, get your shit together quickly. The crowds will be here for the races soon, and you're on the line up. I hope to see great things from you and keep that knife you'll need it around these parts"

Willem gives a firm nod and a glare as he quickly escorts me out of the office. He's holding me very tightly as we walking to the entrance of the junk yard. He stops abruptly holding me against the fencing.

"Stay here and don't move I'm going to go find my car if it's not already at the line up" He says rushed, frantically looking around. I nod in agreement. He pauses before leaving as if contemplating to kiss me, but doesn't and takes off in the yard as I'm left alone. Ten, twenty, thirty minutes pass and still no sign of Willem. It's official dark out, and the big field lights have turned on. Groups of people have started to pile in and I start to get bored and worried, so I walk to where the biggest crowds are.

When I get there, I see a bunch of cars lined up in racing fashion like on tv. I notice Willem's car at the start up, but no Willem. I sigh in defeat. As I start to back away, I bumped into somebody really hard, making us both fall to the ground. I quickly scramble to my feet. I notice the person stood up too. I do a look over of the person I bumped into- a girl with a smooth chestnut skin tone, green eyes, long red and black hair that's straightened, and a small, stylish nose ring. She's wearing black ripped booty shots, a red tank top that's cropped, fish nets, and tall black heels that are the scrappy kind.

"Umm I'm so sorry I bumped into you, I'm kinda a klutz" she's says to me brushing her self off. I do the same to myself.

"No, no, no completely my fault I wasn't watching where I was going, plus the crowds kinda overwhelmed me" I laughed nervously. She cocks her head to the side- studying me. I shift my eyes around nervously.

"You're new here aren't you?" She says folding her arms across her chest.

"What gave that away" I scoff. Mimicking her action by crossing my arms over my chest.

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